Pete Antoinette: Let them buy electric cars – IOTW Report

Pete Antoinette: Let them buy electric cars

Patriot Retort:

It’s almost refreshing that this administration is out-and-out admitting that they’re driving gas prices higher as a way to force Americans into purchasing electric cars.

At least they’re being honest for once.

Today, President Biden is halting the import of Russian petroleum into the United States.

But he isn’t simultaneously lifting the sanctions he placed on the US energy sector. So expect the price at the pump to skyrocket even more than it already has.

They want pain at the pump because these assholes have decided that America must “transition” to Green Energy whether it is a viable alternative or not.

These assholes want to leave us with no alternative but to buy electric cars long before electric cars are affordable for all the people who aren’t Hollywood celebrities and socialist Congresswomen from the Bronx.

Secretary of Transportation and noted stay-at-home Mom Marie Antoinette Pete Buttigieg made it clear as crystal yesterday that this is the goal. read more

15 Comments on Pete Antoinette: Let them buy electric cars

  1. “How about you take your charging stations and shove ’em sideways up your ass, Pete.”

    I don’t think Pete would think that was a punishment.

    And two paragraphs later, we get this?

    “My dad just picked up my car to fill up the tank at the BJ’s Wholesale gas depot.”

    I’m not sure if Dianny got it or not, but that was hilarious!

  2. Let’s not forget that these electric vehicles get regular software & firmware updates that require connectivity.
    That trucker convoy can never happen again as they can kill and/or control your vehicle autonomously.

    Full government control is what these evil fucks want, including this worthless faggot.

  3. All the crap we are seeing these days would have been unbelievable as little as 2 years ago.

    Gas is over 5 dollars a gallon in California and heading northwards by the day. Politicians and bureaucrats are nothing but a bunch of little Hitlers, dictating to us like this Buttgaggle queer.

  4. Gotta ask about that portrait: does Petey get a five o’clock shadow or is that dark stain around his mouth of a different source?

  5. We’re certain that they’re a bunch of dummies that are shooting themselves in the political foot by way of these policies?

    It’s a huge mistake to think that. They have plans that they’re not sharing with us.

  6. loco- Aaaaaaannnnd don’t fergit these disingenuous, hack politicians are licking their chops at the thought of ass-raping you by the mile for a revenue stream justified by the loss of gas tax money! Think about that when yer standing at a government built recharging station that wuz not on time, not underbudget and doesn’t fukkin work!

  7. My progressively minded son surprised his wife and bought her an all electric car. She being more practical is not too thrilled seeing all that she is losing with her EV. #1 Easy fill ups being #2 loss of range #3 The cost of the home charging system #4 Can’t use the heater in the winter or your milage is drastically cut #5 The concern of new unproven technology maintenance. I’m sure the list will grow the longer she owns it.
    Bottom line, not practical not affordable.


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