Group Biden Removed from the Terror List Hopes That, Allah Willing, Its Missiles Will Soon Reach NY – IOTW Report

Group Biden Removed from the Terror List Hopes That, Allah Willing, Its Missiles Will Soon Reach NY

Frontpage / Robert Spencer:
The Houthis, the Iran-backed Shi’a jihad group in Yemen, recently held a student rally in the Yemeni city of Hajjah, but they weren’t exactly cheering on their favorite soccer team. The rally, which was televised on the Houthi network Al-Masirah TV, featured a student proclaiming, “Placing their trust in Allah, our missile forces are continuing to strike deep inside Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Allah willing, our UAVs will reach Tel Aviv and New York in the very near future.” A UAV is an unmanned aerial vehicle, that is, a drone. No one in New York needs to worry about Houthi drones anytime soon, but the statement in itself once again revealed that Biden’s handlers’ foreign policy is based on fantasy and wishful thinking, not any rational assessment of reality.

This is because in February 2021, just weeks after Old Joe Biden began his pretend-to-be-the-president act, the administration removed the Houthis from the list of terrorist groups. An unnamed State Department wonk explained, “Our action is due entirely to the humanitarian consequences of this last-minute designation from the prior administration, which the United Nations and humanitarian organizations have since made clear would accelerate the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”

The Houthis were only designated a terror group for a few weeks, so this humanitarian crisis could not possibly have been very severe. Donald Trump’s administration added the Houthis to the terror list in January 2021, not long before Trump left office. As was always the case with anything and everything that Trump did, the Leftist political and media establishment was outraged. No fewer than twenty-two aid groups that were operating in Yemen demanded that the designation be revoked “immediately.” Old Joe obliged when he began his president act, but now, Trump has been proven right yet again. If any group deserves to be considered foreign terrorists, it’s the Houthis. MORE

5 Comments on Group Biden Removed from the Terror List Hopes That, Allah Willing, Its Missiles Will Soon Reach NY

  1. Frees terrorists from Gitmo
    Removes Houthis from Terrorist list
    So on top of strangling us by:
    Destroying our Energy sources
    Destroying our Economy
    Destroying the entire Supply Chain
    Destroying the employment numbers
    Destroying our Military
    Destroying our Foreign Policy
    Destroying our Police forces
    Destroying our big cities
    Destroying our Southern Border
    Destroying our entire Immigration process
    Destroying agreements
    Destroying the World’s confidence in the United States of America
    Even Destroyed his own “plan” to “shut down the virus” with his recent proclamation: “Look, there is no federal solution”
    How is this any different than what an enemy would be doing to us???
    The coming election in November is looking more and more distant with every day that passes!


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