Tacoma Cop Resigns, Last Sign Off, “Let’s Go Brandon!” – IOTW Report

Tacoma Cop Resigns, Last Sign Off, “Let’s Go Brandon!”

Tatum Report –

“This message is to the police in DC and other cities that have spineless and tyrannical leaders, such as mine.” The sonic boom you just heard, as reported by KIRO TV News, was Tacoma Police Department (TPD) Officer Robert Hollingsworth, on video, blowing up every bridge in Tacoma, Washington, ahead of his impending resignation.

Like so many police officers struggling in leftist-run cities, Hollingsworth was fed up. And while cities like D.C., Minneapolis, Portland, and Tacoma routinely refuse to prosecute leftist political rioters, they will not tolerate even peaceful protests from the right.

Although Officer Hollingsworth will officially resign on March 13th, “The department is moving to place the officer on administrative leave, which will include the surrender of his service weapon, badge, and department identification.”

In a press release, the TPD said it didn’t know the officer’s personal political views or his plans to broadcast a video on social media, on duty. No liberal city leader should claim to be surprised. Several officers have made similar videos, including a Washington State trooper last October. more

5 Comments on Tacoma Cop Resigns, Last Sign Off, “Let’s Go Brandon!”

  1. The American Leadership Forum rode into Tacoma in ~ 1992 and the City is basically run in the model of Tammany Hall.

    Your pal, JDHasty has a good friend who was recruited and a Senior Fellow and clued me to the goings on therein and I have attempted to school the rest of the residents only to have the local paper of record’s fair haired boy, Matt Driscoll contact Facebook and get my account shut down. The City is absolutely and completely run out ot The AMerican Leadership Forum, who recruits it’s Senior Fellows from the media, academia, select businesses and elected and appointed government officials. Sound familiar?

    Nothing comes before the public that has not been previously conceived, planned, controlled and votes whipped and tallied therein.

    The Mayor is a figurehead who rose through the Democrat/American Leadership Forum’s farm club. She was placed in charge of a non-profit like many of their other “up and comers.” Minded her Ps and Qs and did the Party’s bidding therein, ran for City Council with their support and backing (which includes puff pieces in every media outlet while opponents are vilified) and had a team of doorbell ringers out on the streets on her behalf.

    She spent most of 2020 trying to whip up “George Floyd” riots in Tacoma over the death of a guy who lifted a cop in the air and body slammed him to the pavement. The Council members meet behind the password protected side of the American Leadership Forum and discuss public policy on their message boards and in person, including going on retreats, out of public view and in direct violation of State law. In the case of government employees the taxpayers pay the bill at luxury resorts for this.

    Unfortunately a critical mass of Tacoma residents look to Seattle and envy Seattle. It will never change and it was the perfect choice for the American Leadership Forum because Tacoma has always been corrupt and for some stupid reason think it is smart, cute or funny to run a city this way.


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