Global Governments Begin Warning of Critical Food Shortages – IOTW Report

Global Governments Begin Warning of Critical Food Shortages

Conservative Treehouse:

First things first, there is no need for panic, and it is important to remember the United States is a net food exporter.  The U.S. is blessed with a food production and capacity industry that leads the world.  We have fertile land, abundant harvests and the strong advantage of food independence.

That said, the influence of multinational corporations in our agriculture industry over the past three decades has ramifications, and we have outlined exhaustively, on these pages, what the real-world consequences are. As we head into a chapter of global food crisis, the food production capacity of the United States can be viewed as an asset, but only insofar as we are willing to secure a national food supply for our own America-First interests.

What we have talked about prudently on these pages is now coming into greater focus, as global leaders are beginning to prepare their own citizens for the long-term consequences of their disruption to the food supply chain.

The meteor of government intervention hit the ocean back in the spring of 2020, when government intervened in the food supply process, the tsunami -the ripple effect from that intervention- is now within sight of shore. more here

26 Comments on Global Governments Begin Warning of Critical Food Shortages

  1. Nearly every day I see a stupid commercial about kids in the US going hungry.
    They show a latchkey kid walking into a decent home, with decent clothing, and just ingredients and condiments in the cabinet & fridge.
    The kid is not emaciated, nor is he obese like MANY US children.

    If we ever have a legit crisis & shortage I shudder to think what hysteria will ensue…

  2. A lot of our elites want “democratic socialism,” which actually looks a lot like a form of fascism. Either way, under these types of regimes things magically disappear. Look at Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union, etc. etc. The US version of the argument for this type of government is that “this time, we will do it right.” Really? You trust AOC, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden to “get it right” this time? Maybe BFH should invite the “I make $12,000 an hour on my computer” spammers back and we can all get rich.

    To paraphrase P.J. O’Rourke, when things (including food) start disappearing, maybe our contingency plan is to eat the elite. That way, we can supplement our food supply and get rid of a dangerous segment of our society at the same time.

  3. Notice how a portion of the obese families are on welfare, food stamps, disability etc.. 🤔

    Wonder if Biden is giving them extra dough to live on. 😁

    If they are in dire need of nourishment shouldn’t they look like a rail? 🙀

  4. Sitting in rural America, I do believe there will be food shortages. I know the number of ranchers just in this area who have taken their beef out of the market. I know many truck farmers who are doing the same along with pig farmers.
    I also know how hard it is getting for farmers to raise their crops, due to lack of fertilizer, lack of containers to hold the fertilizer, cost of diesel kicking their ass along with all the other additional costs.
    A 5 generation crop farmer in our neck of the woods is barely holding on, they’ve had to all get jobs outside of farming and about to work themselves into an early grave trying to do both.

    The plandemic took it’s toll and now Biden is about to bury them.

    We’re small potatoes but the feed prices are getting crazy, we’re used to the ups and downs, but the ups keep going up with no end in sight and it’s been a long time since we had the downs.

  5. “First things first, there is no need for panic” (We’re only nine meals away)

    Good luck with that, we’re gonna see panic buying that will put the toilet paper stampede to shame.

  6. Here’s the CTH take-away… wise advice:

    “Final thought… even if you are well prepared for the worst-case scenario, when they hand the ration cards or food/gas coupons, get in line with everyone else and use them – even if you don’t need them. Do not draw any attention to yourself. Do not behave any differently than anyone else. Even if it doesn’t suck for you, give the appearance that it does. Keep the eyes of a mouse and the ears of an elephant.”

  7. What the hell is CTH?

    CTH | Natural casings and meat by-products you can trust?

    Worst case scenario is put on your best tie, mount bayonets, and kill the motherfuckers.

    Conservative Tree House – Claudia

  8. Ann Thracts
    MARCH 9, 2022 AT 10:46 PM
    Here’s the CTH take-away… wise advice:

    “Final thought… even if you are well prepared for the worst-case scenario, when they hand the ration cards or food/gas coupons, get in line with everyone else and use them – even if you don’t need them. Do not draw any attention to yourself. Do not behave any differently than anyone else. Even if it doesn’t suck for you, give the appearance that it does. Keep the eyes of a mouse and the ears of an elephant.”

    …in the waning days of the Siege of Jerusalem in 72 AD, the fat were tortuted by the starving warriors on the assumption that they were hiding foood.

    Don’t be fat.

    “They also invented terrible methods of torments to discover where any food was, and they were these to stop up the passages of the privy parts of the miserable wretches, and to drive sharp stakes up their fundaments; and a man was forced to bear what it is terrible even to hear, in order to make him confess that he had but one loaf of bread, or that he might discover a handful of barley-meal that was concealed; and this was done when these tormentors were not themselves hungry; for the thing had been less barbarous had necessity forced them to it; but this was done to keep their madness in exercise, and as making preparation of provisions for themselves for the following days”
    -Flavius Josephus, “The Jewish Wars V

  9. And NOW YOU KNOW WHY Bill Gates and China were buying up all the available farm land for the last few years, Yes I believe they have a food shortage planned for the near future. tighen your belts it is going to get real.

  10. Fortunately, Texas has a lot of feral hogs. The meat probably isn’t all that tasty, but after the government kills the rest of the livestock because of their methane emissions that’s all we’ll have left.

  11. My thoughts on the subject is if you’re in the city, get out. If you depend on the grocery store for your food then you need to find the local farmers/ranchers that are selling direct to the consumer.
    Stock up as much as you can afford, learn to grow your own food. Be prepared when the shelves are bare people will be coming looking for your food. The main reason to get out of the city, but eventually they will make their way to the rural areas, so have a plan in place to deal with them. AKA if you don’t know how to fire a gun, you best learn real quick.
    Probably though the biggest fear is just how far are the string pullers willing to go? Will they poison the water? The air?

    I know this country has been going downhill for decades, but the rapid decline now is hard to believe even as we’re living it.

  12. They’ll soon figure out that they can mandate food production. Those who refuse or are unable to produce the required amounts of food will be prosecuted as running dogs of capitalist conspirators and reactionary counterrevolutionaries.

  13. Large scale farming relies on diesel fuel. I don’t think I have to explain the ramifications of that. But to run a diesel powered pretty much anything these days requires DEF. Diesel Exhaust Fluid. Guess what there is a global shortage of?

    Modern farming equipment, which is a requirement for the yields we’re getting, run by computers the same as our automobiles. No DEF means it won’t run.

    We are allowing evil people to run the world right now. They’re still afraid of us though. We know this because they are building walls around their homes and are fortifying where they conduct their business. With every day that goes by they become stronger and more secure while we grow weaker.

    When we own nothing, will we be happy about it? We’ll have no one to blame but ourselves.

  14. Potash is used to make commercial fertilizer.
    Only two countries have large potash mines for the companies that make the fertilizers.
    Canada and Russia.
    Canada’s is bigger.
    Hubby worked for the company that owns it through his work.
    He says it is huge. Largest in the world.
    Why are the puppet masters not asking them to step up production?
    Another attempt to grab more control?
    Make us miserable?

  15. About 4 yrs ago Russia dumped cheap potash on the market. No one was buying from them so they dumped it cheap.
    Mosaic pulled back production.
    They can step it up almost immediately.
    They also own factories that make fertilizer. Including in FL.

    Side note: Russia sells to China and dies the potash red for them.

  16. We will all become Kulaks and Zeks now like when Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death 100 years ago. Fuck William Duranty (the evil NY Slimes correspondent who was an ass kisser for Stalin) and DEF both, they are both totally useless. And thank God for the Welshman Gareth Jones and Malcom Muggeridge for exposing the truth about the forced Ukrainian famine.

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