Guess who owns a big chunk of Venezuela’s oil – IOTW Report

Guess who owns a big chunk of Venezuela’s oil

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

Under pressure from a veto-proof majority in Congress, Joe Biden loudly announced a cutoff of energy purchases from Russia, amounting to about 7% of U.S. energy imports.

“Russian oil will no longer be accepted at U.S. ports — and the American people will deal another powerful blow against Putin’s war machine,” he tweeted.

Russia had been sending about 600,000 barrels of oil a day to the States in a big export surge, following Biden’s bans on federal leases for drilling, halt to the Keystone XL pipeline, and other measures intended to bankrupt Big Oil in the name of “going green.”  The rise actually started late in the Trump administration’s term, but it spiked sharply higher when Biden started clamping down on American production.  As of the state of the Ukraine war, Putin has been taking home about $56 million a day from sales of crude to the states.

Well, this ought to fix them, right?

Not so fast.  Biden went on to say that the loss of supply would raise energy prices for ordinary consumers, and there was nothing he could do because Putin did it.  read more

16 Comments on Guess who owns a big chunk of Venezuela’s oil

  1. Joe Biden himself is a terrorist and America’s #1 enemy who has pounded us over the past two years and counting with idiotic decisions, mandates, and anti-American engagements for the purposes of disarming, disabling, and weakening the citizenry—all for his delusional narcissist self-promoting lying self while he comically tries to flex withered political muscles. This same gargoyle was behind banning, censoring, and canceling those things which the US stands for, including American citizenry. Split open his fossilized skull and a UFO with a complete set of US-funded biolabs will come flying out.

  2. Making America Lose Again!

    From a Maga(nificent) President to a Mala(iscus) one overnight. November 3rd, 2020 is truly the greatest day of infamy America has ever had.

  3. Told my wife 2 days ago; saying no Russian oil and then buying millions of bbls from VZ is kin to saying “I will no longer buy from GM and then announcing a deal to buy 1,000 new Chevys”!VZ has been a Russian vassal since Hugo’s violent, bloody, brutal Coup detat 23 years ago.

    I’ve mentioned here thatI had 2 friends 22 years ago that were refugees from Vz. They said over 15,000 were killed by Hugo’s military and bout 500,000 were beaten, raped and tortured. the SJ has been pro Communist for over 100 years. The Cardinal , head of the South American SJ right after the coup and blessed Hugo; while saying those raped, tortured, and killed “deserved what they got! They were the Devil’s gents!” Friends said they seriously considered leaving the Church!

    The Communist that Blessed the coup got the “White Smoke” over 10 yers ago and is now Pope!


  4. Goes to show Putin has his ass covered with crafted well laid plans. Had very long time honing his criminal skill set & being a dictator with a powerful military. There is no stopping him now.

  5. Anonymous, Putin is the Russian Trump. He has been making Russia great again since 1999. Most everything we are told about him is outright lies, just like the PanicDemic. He looks out for his country and has done many things to improve life for the average Russian, including getting rid of a lot (but not all) corruption, pushing “made in Russia” to insulate them from foreign pressure, and has stood against the Globohomo New World Order. Sure, he was a KGB agent? So what? George Bush Sr. ran the CIA? Same-same.

    Their “invasion” of Ukraine was made necessary by the continued shelling of the Donbass by Ukrainian forces, the imminent threat to accept Ukraine into NATO (ok to have Russian missiles in Ontario or Northern Mexico?) and then the Puppet Zelensky talking about building nuclear weapons. The Russian military has been very careful to minimise civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure (no “shock and awe”) and unless the Deep State starts shooting down Russian aircraft, will resolve the problems in Ukraine, including “denazification.”

  6. ^^^^Your views & support of Putin in the US & around the globe are in the minority. I don’t believe nor support anything you claim about this dictator! Everything we are told is anything but outright lies. You support him so much, maybe you can help him.

  7. Comrade Anonymous, the Globohomo sockcuckers that fed us lies about the PanicDemic and the “safety and efficacy” of the ClotShot are the same ones shrieking “Russia, Russia, Russia!” Sorry, they have zero credibility except among the Branch Covidians.

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