Well, Well, Well … Russia Hoax Special Counsel Is Investigating the 2016 DNC Server ‘Hack’ and That’s Not All – IOTW Report

Well, Well, Well … Russia Hoax Special Counsel Is Investigating the 2016 DNC Server ‘Hack’ and That’s Not All

PJM: The Federalist is exclusively reporting that the Special Counsel investigating the origins of the Russia Collusion hoax — which so far, in filings, point directly to Hillary Clinton and her campaign hired guns — is also looking into the 2016 Democratic National Committee (DNC) computer server “hack.” At least one familiar name has coincidentally turned up.

This is the first inkling that John Durham is looking into the mystery of the DNC server hack, the contents of which were transmitted somehow to DC Leaks.

Published leaks showed that then-DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.) used the supposedly objective political organization to favor the Hillary Clinton campaign over that of Bernie Sanders. Wasserman-Schultz lost her DNC job over the scandal right before the 2016 nominating convention.

After the leaks, the DNC immediately blamed “the Russians” to further buttress their fake story that Donald Trump was somehow colluding with Vladimir Putin to conduct the hack.
But the DNC hack story has never been quite that simple. It appears that Durham may see it that way, too.

For example, the FBI, tasked with looking into the hack, was never allowed to examine the DNC servers. Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey could have used subpoenas to get a look at the DNC setup, but he never did.

Clinton and DNC attorney Michael Sussmann, who Durham indicted for lying to the FBI, hired CrowdStrike to track the hacker. The cybersecurity company concluded, in what must have been record time, that the Russians did it. That notion was hoisted up the flagpole and everyone saluted. Except for Durham, it appears. read more

15 Comments on Well, Well, Well … Russia Hoax Special Counsel Is Investigating the 2016 DNC Server ‘Hack’ and That’s Not All

  1. This must be Miss Information.
    Turdeau’s CBC has not told me anything about it or what to think.
    Therefore, it must be propaganda.

    Furthermore, CNN, MS-DNC, and the View aren’t mentioning it.

    I’m just going to sit under this here tree, in the damp dirt like a Mushroom, until a dog comes and pisses on my head.

  2. Kcir, you beat me to it. OTOH, Cankles has a habit of running for office to stay out of jail. It’s much easier to finesse investigators when she’s holding an office or campaigning for it. Then, every attack becomes “politically motivated” by the VRWC.

    OTOOH, she just got the Clinton Crime Foundation cranked back up, which seems like something she’d only do if she felt like she was in the clear. Is she expecting a grift windfall from the Biden regime? Or a plum appointment to give her the aforementioned immunity? It’s like a slasher movie: You can never turn your back on the monster’s corpse.

  3. The DNC hired Crowdstrike to murder the real “hacker”, who was a DNC employee with admin access to that server, and then concoct a bullshit narrative that all the people in power wanted the public to believe anyway.

    The ex-FBI Assistant Director of the DC Office is not a technical guy. He’s a killer and a thug. That’s what Crowdstrike does.

  4. becerra
    he’s back in town- question him while he’s under oath, testifying as Sec. of HHS.
    “The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. Police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation and requested a copy of it. Authorities considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation, the senior official said.”
    from an old GatewayPundit article
    there’s outright crooks and criminal families embedded in our government
    just watch the tv and drink the city water

  5. “… question him while he’s under oath …”
    Yeah! That’s the ticket!
    Evil pathological traitorous liars get all pensive and shit under oath!
    He’ already violated every oath he’s taken, why would he give a shit about another?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Wasn’t it already proven that the so-called “download” of the DNC server(s) could not have been conducted to an overseas recipient because of the obvious download rate (speed?) of the data? And isn’t this tied to DNC insider Seth Rich’s murder for downloading 44K emails off that server? No one, including the DC police ever got to the bottom of Wasserman-Shultz’s “lost” laptop that turned up in an empty phone niche at the OEOB (or wherever it turned up on its lonesome); the one that she threatened the police “would be consequences” (to the police). Months after her threats she apparently admitted it belonged to DNC IT staffer Imran Awan (of the Awan bros), who, along with a whole host of immediate family members were paid inordinately high salaries to maintain the D’s congressional IT laptops, etc.

    Just bringing a bunch of unsolved mysteries up to mind in case anything should come out of this latest investigation.

  7. ^^^ “Wasserman-Shultz”

    “Steven Wasserman Assistant US Attorney at United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.”
    yeah, that’s her brother
    yep, he was in charge of investigations
    its a family affair


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