They Juicey Smoolliet incident – IOTW Report

They Juicey Smoolliet incident

Dave Chappelle

5 Comments on They Juicey Smoolliet incident

  1. LOL!! The definitive Juicey Smuggett commentary. Watched this video a while back and it’s still yes, hilarious.
    Chapelle pulled no punches and correctly dragged Juicey, the bat crap crazy, queer, race-baiting hater who absolutely deserves it.

  2. I was curious, so I did a little research on the underlying psychological conditions of someone who sticks with a big, fat lie. The reasons for lying are varied, but mainly we lie to avoid unpleasant emotions like shame or the feeling of not be liked. For lies that cover up more aggregious acts, we lie to avoid facing the consequences of our failure to do or not do something we should have done or not done. One rather in-depth study showed that there are “grades” of lies, from the fairly harmless “white” lie to the lie that serves as an act of revenge against someone or a group; the “red hot” lie. Generally, a person who tells — and sticks to — their red lie has one or more underlying personality disorders, the principal one being narccissistic personality disorder. They (incorrectly) think so highly of themselves and their virtue/integrity that they cannot conceive of themselves ever being wrong. And even in the face of incontrovertible evidence, they will find a way to twist facts or accuse the accusers of twisting facts (lying).

    So, there it is. Smollett (and everyone who insisted he was telling the truth) most certainly has some sort of underlying personality disorder that prevents them from facing the truth of his elaborate hoax. Over the past 20+ years I’ve kept a mental note of the rough percentage of people in this country who vote hard left, and it’s been holding steady at about 27%. I’d bet a donut that this is the same percentage of people who believe Smollett was attacked by white men in Chicago in -16 degree weather in the middle of the night.


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