All Along the Watchtower – IOTW Report

All Along the Watchtower

h/t joe6pak

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Would the Russian invasion of Ukraine be justified if it were for biodefense?

“There must be some way out of here”

Said the joker to the thief

“There’s too much confusion

I can’t get no relief

Businessmen, they drink my wine

Plowmen dig my earth

None of them along the line

Know what any of it is worth”

Before I was de-platformed by Twitter for posting the famously accurate Canadian COVID Care Alliance video, before I was de-platformed by LinkedIn for the same reason, before the infamous Joe Rogan hit #1757 where I said the three little words “mass formation psychosis” that caused the Silicon Valley overlords to loose bladder control, many feared that I was “controlled opposition”.  And for good reason. 

I have spent most of my career deeply involved in the US Biodefense enterprise.  I have worked closely with biodefense research teams at USAMRIID, DTRA, and MIT Lincoln Lab. I was once a business partner with a retired CIA officer who was deeply involved in the DoD biodefense enterprise, and I have co-published with another.  I once worked for the Dynport Vaccine Company, which had the DoD contract for “advanced development” (basically, clinical testing) of virtually all biodefense medical countermeasures for the US Department of Defense. My father worked as a federal defense contractor all his life, as did my father in law.  In my father’s case, it was mostly in high energy systems- including developing technologies for protection against the electromagnetic surge effects of “the bomb” as well as exploding foil – the technology used to trigger “the bomb”.  My father in-law ran the Raytheon special projects division – basically a CIA gadget and technology shop.  Think “Q” from the James Bond series. This is a byzantine world that I have deep understanding of, and direct experience with for virtually my entire life. I lived by the mantra which all DC bureaucrats know – keep your head down, because if they cannot see you, they cannot shoot you.

But I never really allowed myself to confront the possibility that we might not be the good guys, the white hats.  Until I experienced what we have all been through over the last two years.  A government (or really multiple governments) that clearly believes that it is justified in disregarding fundamental principles of bioethics and the common rule.  And like many others, once I saw that, it was like having backed into a light switch and suddenly the entire room was lit up, and I could never un-see what was revealed.  Are we always the good guys?  Or is this just more interchangeable Spy vs Spy, where ethics and roles and fungible and “situational”.  A world in which there are no good guys, no white hats.  Just a matter of media spin, perspective, and realpolitik.  The world as envisioned by Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab.

And by the way, “biodefense” is big business. Yet more weapons of war. more

7 Comments on All Along the Watchtower

  1. Ukraine has been and is the “swamp’s and democrat party’s” dark dirty playground.
    It’s all one story of corruption, deception, bribery, blackmail, quid pro quo’s, impeachment and politics.


  2. Robert Malone, for a guy that has said he voted twice for obama, has become the definition of being red pilled. He is a great advocate and spokesman for those of us that are firmly against the jab.

  3. Everybody has had two years to watch how covid unspooled, two years to figure out the con. Many figured it out, and many did not. Those who figured it out cannot help but see the same pattern in the Ukraine panic. Those who swallowed covid whole are the same people who are now diving headfirst into the Ukraine narrative. I have neither the time nor the patience to argue with them or wait for some of them to figure it out for themselves. And since Dylan appears to be the theme…

    “Keep a clean nose

    Watch the plainclothes

    You don’t need a weather man

    To know which way the wind blows.”

    …but having Dr. Malone around helps.


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