Virginia: Pro-Trans Republican Jen Kiggans Voted YES on Polyamorous Marriage Bill – IOTW Report

Virginia: Pro-Trans Republican Jen Kiggans Voted YES on Polyamorous Marriage Bill

National File: Pro-trans Republican Jen Kiggans recently voted with Democrats to rewrite Virginia’s state constitution and legalize polyamorous marriages between three or more parties. Kiggans, who is running an establishment-backed campaign for Congress in Virginia’s 2nd District, has a long history of voting for the left’s radical LGBT agenda, including opening girls’ restrooms up to men.

Like SB-868, also known as the Virginia Values Act, which Kiggans voted for to open girls’ restrooms up to men, SJ-5 re-writes Virginia law in the image of the far-left LGBT lobby, legalizing polyamorous marriage in the process. SJ-5 is actually a proposed constitutional amendment that would dissolve Virginia’s current constitutional definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman, and instead, make marriage a “fundamental right” available to all parties in all situations without limitation. Legislators deliberately kept provisions barring polyamorous marriage out of the legislation, and the proposal mentions nothing in regard to age or even blood relations between marriage parties.

The Family Foundation of Virginia has warned that SJ-5 would not only legalize polyamorous marriages between more than two parties but would even legalize incestuous marriages and child marriages, like those that are forced under Islam, because of the lack of safeguards included in the bill. This was confirmed to National File by Family Foundation President Victoria Cobb, who came out in staunch opposition to SJ-5.

Fortunately for Virginians, to alter the state’s constitution, the bill has to pass through both chambers of the legislature twice, before going to the ballot for a statewide referendum. Democrats had reportedly hoped to frame SJ-5 as a gay wedge issue to drive liberal voters to the polls for them. Their plans were ultimately foiled by the GOP-controlled House of Delegates, which killed SJ-5 before it could make it out of Richmond, despite the best efforts of Jen Kiggans, who once again sided in the State Senate with the radical left and against her own constituents on a key social issue.

Throughout her GOP primary campaign, Kiggans, who is backed by Kevin McCarthy and refuses to support a 2024 campaign by 45th President Trump, has been dogged by her left-wing voting record, especially on LGBT and other gender-related issues. Her front-running primary race opponent, Jarome Bell, is running a grassroots, America First campaign that stands in stark contrast to her own. Bell has been endorsed by the likes of General Flynn and several Freedom Caucus members. read more

21 Comments on Virginia: Pro-Trans Republican Jen Kiggans Voted YES on Polyamorous Marriage Bill

  1. Honestly, I don’t give a rip what you believe. Don’t force your beliefs on me or others, and we can get along. By others, I include youths, students, etc.

  2. ^^^^^^^^^
    Exactly. She maybe a registers Repub but she’s a damn liberal at heart. The hallmark of a liberal, they always need to “FIX” everything the touch. And they’re the only ones qualified to do it. Even though they don’t know shit about it.

  3. If Conservative(TM) Constitution lickers did what’s right, instead of allowing anything, everything that enemies of Americans (both foreign and… well, they self-identify as “domestic”…) write a regulation for… Because it’s, leeegle! (This, the current, day… Subject to change, without notice.) Freaks freakin’ wouldn’t matter. Because it wouldn’t happen.

  4. fKnuckle – who decides what is “right”? Would I be allowed to create a law that outlaws the use of the f-word in public because I think it is vulgar and wrong?

  5. Add this to the growing list of reasons why God is going to destroy this planet, and it’s right at our door step. Please, answer the door before you hear the knock, be right.

  6. Read Revelation in the Bible for details of what Goldenfoxx is talking about.

    The world is turning into what it was like in the times of Noah, where every thought of man was continuously evil.

    One of the signs of His coming.

    Hold on to your faith, brothers and sisters. It’s not going to be easy. Isn’t meant to be.

    Fake believers will fall away and end up paying the same price as un-believers that never liked God in the first place.

    The whole point of these failures is to prove we can’t do anything without God. So pray.

    Pray like your soul’s future depends on it. Because it does.

  7. Goldenfoxx and Dadof4 — Thanks for your witness!

    Indeed, that “someday” looks and feels like it may be much sooner than later. God promised it and he keeps his promises. I’m on full alert and it’s on my heart to warn as many as possible. Once he returns, there’s no more time to consider the options.

    Joshua 24:15: But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

    Friends: Please don’t be the one whom God sorrowfully reminds on that day, that you were told and reminded, again and again, that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Light, and that no one comes to him but through Jesus Christ.

  8. “Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.”
    –Mark 13:12

    The wording in Mark 13:12 (as wells as Matthew 10:21) is revealing.

    The writers don’t say the children will kill the parents, but rather they will “rise up against their parents and CAUSE THEM TO BE PUT TO DEATH.”

    The children will not do the actual taking of life (though the children will still have the parents’ blood on their hands in the eyes of God Almighty.)

    Someone else will do the killing.

    Someone other than the children will do the actual killing.

    And that is exactly what is happening in so many places around the USA and the world.

    This Woman is just pandering for votes. She’s evil.
    This brainwashing and enabling of our youths by the so called adults in power is not going to end well.

  9. Amen to Goldenfoxx, Dadof4 and AbigailAdams. I have been praying for God’s grace for those who have yet accepted his free gift of forgiveness of sins to bring them into the family of Christ.

    Also praying for God’s mercy on us as a nation. We have lost our way, especially after kicking him out of our society (no more prayer in schools and abortion). I have been, and continue, to pray that Christians in this country (and world) will receive his mercy and help us to return him to our society and eliminate the murdering of our children.

    I always end my prayers with the words of Jesus before he let himself be taken to his death: “not my will, but yours be done.”

    So, I’m ready to go when God calls. I won’t complain about his timing as I’m flying up to meet Jesus in the air!

  10. There’s a new day coming around the corner.
    There’s a new day coming around the bend.
    A day of joy and peace that will never ever cease, and the Lord’s bringing this new day here my friend.
    There’s a new day coming when we’ll walk with Jesus, and surround Him as He reigns upon His throne.
    When all the world will see God fulfilling prophecy we’ve been waiting for, for such a long, long time.


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