Techno Fog: Assessing the alleged Russian strike on the Mariupol maternity hospital – IOTW Report

Techno Fog: Assessing the alleged Russian strike on the Mariupol maternity hospital

Techno Fog:
The Bombing Allegations.

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, a story broke about a Russian air strike that allegedly targeted a Ukrainian maternity hospital. According to the New York Times, “an apparent Russian strike on Wednesday damaged and destroyed buildings at a hospital complex in the southern Ukrainian city of Mariupol, including a maternity ward.”

The New York Times acknowledged that the casualties were unknown and that it was “not clear whether the hospital was fully operating at the time of the strike or had been evacuated to some degree.” It was later reported that the shelling of the maternity hospital killed three civilians, including one child. Photographs are alleged to substantiate that the maternity hospital was in-use by civilians at the time of the bombing (though perhaps not at capacity).

Interestingly, one of the purported victims seen in the photographs is an Instagram “influencer” who lives in that city. more

12 Comments on Techno Fog: Assessing the alleged Russian strike on the Mariupol maternity hospital

  1. Interesting. From the article:

    “Lavrov even said Russia informed the UN Security Council that the hospital had been used by the Azov Battalion on March 7 or March 6, which would be a few days before the attack. Lavrov maintained “All the women in labor, all the nurses, in general, all the staff was driven out of there.”

    Azov Battalion = created in 2014, suspected to be Nazi sympathizers.

  2. After two us years of media gas-lighting, I call balderdash.

    “You furnish the pictures. I’ll furnishthe war.” (Attributed to Wm. Hearst).

    Video, even more than still pictures, evokes strong emotional responses.

  3. It looked fishy from the start. ALL OF THE BUILDINGS WERE STILL STANDIING AFTERWARDS. Only windows were broken, and furniture tipped over inside. Not one wall or roof destroyed. The parking lot was hardest hit. If that was a bombing, then the Russians are pretty good at missing buildings. Just saying, it just didn’t look 100% real.

  4. There are videos taken from inside the building that shows it was a maternity hospital, and this young pregnant woman was injured and did give birth to a daughter shortly after the photographs were taken. She is no different from lots of young girls who show fashion and makeup tips on their sites. That doesn’t make her an actress. She also posted many photographs showing the growth of her unborn daughter over the months of her pregnancy. There are also other photographs that show how much destruction the buildings surrounding the bomb crater suffered. The ground looks like it was very soft and water saturated from the depth of the crater, and that may have lessened the damage suffered by some of the buildings in this complex. There are not two good sides to this terrible catastrophe.

  5. This is all part of the plan to deceive the world, put out propaganda to keep everyone confused. The lies are rampant on both sides. Someone is going to write a novel about this some day, and it will contain many sequels – plenty of material. I’m somewhat still dazed over the covid fiasco, I’m not ready for a round 2 of more dread. WTH!


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