Jussie is Not Suicidal and Granholm Discovers America Has an Oil Industry of its Own – IOTW Report

Jussie is Not Suicidal and Granholm Discovers America Has an Oil Industry of its Own

David Blackmon:

Jussie Smollett finally, at long last received some form of justice for the hoax he perpetrated on the American public on Thursday as he was sentenced to serve more jail time by the judge in the case.

All told, the ex-bad actor was sentenced to 150 days in jail, 30 months probation, $120,000 in restitution and a $25,000 fine for faking a hate crime. As can be seen in the video clip above, Smollett, apparently concerned about suffering the same fate as Jeffrey Epstein while serving his jail time, repeatedly shouted “I am not suicidal!” as he was led from the courtroom.

Given his “friendships” and connections with many prominent Democrat figures in this country, he may well have good reason to be concerned. Not that I really give a damn, but Jussie wants us all to know in advance that if he gets suicided while in jail, he didn’t do it.

In other news, here’s how up to speed the juvenile delinquents at the White House really are about energy-related matters: more

7 Comments on Jussie is Not Suicidal and Granholm Discovers America Has an Oil Industry of its Own

  1. Jussie showed NO REMORSE at all for his crimes, his lying.
    His actions were deliberate, then as now.

    So whether he meets ‘suicide’ or finds true love in prison, I. couldn’t. care. less.

    He will be sanctified by the usual LOSERS, and let him wear that forever.

  2. Jussie will only do 75 days if he doesn’t misbehave. Since he’s locked up in a very secure cell without any cellies, he can practice his “I’m completely innocent speech” without any interruptions from nasty men who aren’t as well heeled and connected as Jussieboy. I’m still hopeful that Jussie will find true love and announce his engagement when he slithers out of the Cook County Jail.

  3. This Coup certainly has a great collection of loser participants. There’s not one that I would hire. But in my book the one that gets the “Ignorant Condescending Bitch” award is Granholm.

  4. Cook County is not New York City. He is with his “brothers”, who by the way are all innocent! Drop dead tomorrow, we all have wishes. For me it’s, Putin, his buddies, supporters, or anybody who likes him.


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