Joe Biden Says Every American Knows Someone Blackmailed by Intimate, Naked and Sexually Explicit Pictures – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Says Every American Knows Someone Blackmailed by Intimate, Naked and Sexually Explicit Pictures

CTH: This is really weird folks, and not just the part I am highlighting here.   In a very creepy public presentation today by Joe Biden highlighting the extension of the ‘violence against women act‘, Biden went through the stages of shouting then whispering as he delivered remarks about abuse and exploitation based on gender.

In part of his remarks, and trust me, the entire remarks were seriously disturbing, Joe Biden said, “I’ll bet everybody knows someone, somewhere along the line, that in an intimate relationship what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of a naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position, and then literally in a sense blackmails’ them or mortifies them.”  WATCH: 26:55 prompted:

42 Comments on Joe Biden Says Every American Knows Someone Blackmailed by Intimate, Naked and Sexually Explicit Pictures

  1. Wow did he let the cat out of the bag — either it happened to him, or to Hunter, or to Beau, or to his daughter…..

    Someone put the squeeze on a Biden family member, and now Slo-Joe has been putting the squeeze-grift on LOTS of people ever since.

  2. Listen a little further:

    Solve crimes after the fact rather than prevent them and ultimately let the perps & rapists out of the revolving door by your Democrat prosecutors.

    Another Great Canadian Idea being adopted by Demos!

    Good Plan Jackass!

  3. The rotten leftists always accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.
    There must be another shoe ready to drop on this idiot’s balding thinning hair implants.

  4. It’s amazing how if you listened to your mom on how you should live your life and possess any kind of moral code (presumably Bible-oriented) to dictate behavior, you won’t find yourself in these types of conundrums. I never have to worry about who stole my bag of weed, whether photos of me shitting in the public fountain while drunk will hit the internet, whether that girl I banged last week will discover that I roof-eed her with Rohypnol to make her more compliant, or whether the boss will find out I lied on my resume when I said I discovered the cure for cancer while trekking up Mt. Everest with my 8 adopted black kids on my back.

  5. Who’s he talking about?
    The “heels up whore”?
    Chief Justice John Roberts?

    I can tell you who he’s not talking about…. Donald J Trump!

  6. He thinks this because of two things:
    First – His feeble mind can’t comprehend that most of the world is not as immoral as he is.
    Second – In his feeble mind his circle of “friends” represents what the rest of the world is because he only associates with such reprobates and doesn’t know anyone who actually has morals.

  7. And we thought Bubba Clinton tore down our nation’s decency with his fellatio, his cigars and his stanky hag!

    He was a trailer park amateur compared to this major league sleazeball who wallowed in the US Senate for decades.

  8. This happened to me when my girlfriend took some compromising photographs and threatened to mail them to all my friends unless I paid a substantial amount of money. I called her bluff, and she sent the pictures to my friends who promptly mailed them back to me with a sizable cash contribution on the condition that I burn them.

  9. Liberal’s idea of freedom: Have sex anytime, anywhere with anything, male, female, undetermined gender, living, dead, animal, vegetable, at the beach, in the mountains, in a jungle, in the prairie, in a sewer, in Antarctica at the South Pole.

    It’s only a matter of time before we hear of people doing it on top of Mt. Everest, in the Space Station, at the bottom of the Marianas Trench…eventually on the Moon and Mars and beyond.

    Sex is their God.

  10. “Joe Biden Says Every American Knows Someone Blackmailed by Intimate, Naked and Sexually Explicit Pictures”

    Hate to burst you bubble man, but I don’t know anyone whose been blackmailed over intimate, naked, blah, blah pics. Your dumbest son in the world is nothing more than a pathetic crack smokin con artist like yourself. He keeps showing up at sleazy places having his photo ops.

  11. naked photos of me? lemme see …. hell yes, that’s me … & my little buddy Hector, the blue-ribbon pride of the County Fair! … 5 years running!

    … here, let me show you some more pics. I’m especially proud of this one

  12. “Joe Biden Says Every American Knows Someone Blackmailed by Intimate, Naked and Sexually Explicit Pictures”

    Say what?

    No, as a matter of fact, I don’t.

    That makes you a liar by a factor of millions. But we already knew that.

  13. The predator Joe Biden is speaking for himself with likely vids and pics of the children he molests and fondles along with women he puts out for trafficking. After all, that’s what the dem-rino party encourages, promotes, and makes money from.

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