YouGov: “Amercians tend to vastly overestimate the size of minority groups” – IOTW Report

YouGov: “Amercians tend to vastly overestimate the size of minority groups”

Legal Insurrection-

One of the puzzling things about the left’s enthusiastic embrace of the outright socio-cultural destruction of America has been why so many ordinary people go along with their intentionally divisive, radical socio-cultural agenda, either by shrugging and moving away from it (insulating themselves and their families in various ways), by seeing it and seething in silence, or by actually jumping on the handcart to leftist Hades.

YouGov has done some digging and has come up with part of the answer. The left’s constant haranguing on identity politics and their constant elevation of the loud tiny minorities they claim to “represent” has arguably skewed Americans’ impressions of the actual size of demographic groups. Obviously, this is done on purpose, with the help of the infotainment media and Big Tech speech and thought gatekeepers, and it’s been effective.

YouGov reports:

When it comes to estimating the size of demographic groups, Americans rarely get it right. In two recent YouGov polls, we asked respondents to guess the percentage (ranging from 0% to 100%) of American adults who are members of 43 different groups, including racial and religious groups, as well as other less frequently studied groups, such as pet owners and those who are left-handed.

When people’s average perceptions of group sizes are compared to actual population estimates, an intriguing pattern emerges: Amercians tend to vastly overestimate the size of minority groups. This holds for sexual minorities, including the proportion of gays and lesbians (estimate: 30%, true: 3%), bisexuals (estimate: 29%, true: 4%), and people who are transgender (estimate: 21%, true: 0.6%).

It also applies to religious minorities, such as Muslim Americans (estimate: 27%, true: 1%) and Jewish Americans (estimate: 30%, true: 2%). And we find the same sorts of overestimates for racial and ethnic minorities, such as Native Americans (estimate: 27%, true: 1%), Asian Americans (estimate: 29%, true: 6%), and Black Americans (estimate: 41%, true: 12%).


23 Comments on YouGov: “Amercians tend to vastly overestimate the size of minority groups”

  1. And this is why white men are villainized by the same commies. It’s the only way to get such a big, scary majority to voluntarily cede the fight; convince them they are hated by “everyone”.

  2. When the Soviet Union collapsed, all it’s intelligence organizations took a huge, huge hit.

    In East Germany the entire nation was stunned to discover the vaunted East German secret police was only a few hundred people with a few thousand auxiliaries.

    The entire country was fear bound for decades by just a few people in power.

    Never forgot that history lesson.

    And in fact it’s been one of my guiding principles in my most current attempt at re-legitimizing our government. Turns out it don’t take that many committed ideologues to do it.

  3. …and if you are a regular watcher of U.S. tee vee (particularly commercials) you know that whites make up only about 20% of the population.

    And the really twisted commercials will have a black parent, a white parent and an asian child whose sex is indiscernable.

  4. Right numbers. (maybe?) As relevant to the argument as the speed of a coconut carrying swallow.

    “Ordinary” people go along for two reasons: Most (as in more than half) intend to get over on the rest, by lying them into doing the wrong thing. And the rest aren’t bright enough to realize that santy clause isn’t real. Nor are the lies their religious (both “ancient” and “modern”) leaders tell them.

    It doesn’t matter how many “them” there are. If “we” agree to surrender.

  5. @Burr, honing the spear of terror, casting the shadow of my hand across this nation March 18, 2022 at 1:24 am

    > And in fact it’s been one of my guiding principles in my most current attempt at re-legitimizing our government. Turns out it don’t take that many committed ideologues to do it.

    Who ever claimed, that the army of The Leprechaun King, couldn’t convince the proles that unicorn farts aren’t real?

  6. Blacks make up 12% of the US population, but if you watch much TV you begin to think every single one of them must make a living doing TV commercials. They have flooded the zone with blacks. Whites are almost always made to look stupid and feckless. Blacks are generally portraited as successful, middle class, working folks who are worried about which medical college their kids will attend and the health of their 401K’s. Their cars are usually borderline luxury models like a Lexus, BMW, Mercedes or Cadilac. They attend wine tastings and art shows and drink top-tier liquors. That can be true, but it generally doesn’t reflect reality. A skewed picture of black culture emerges and doesn’t reflect the condition of the average black family. The way white people are portraited is also generally misrepresented by having them exhibit underlying racism, dishonesty, stupidity, laziness, snootiness and self-entitlement. It’s all meant to groom people to change their attitudes about themselves and the world they live in. It seeks to artificially lift one group and foster guilt among another. It is the purest form of social engineering. It is damaging to both groups because blacks live in a world of constant frustration, anger and envy because they don’t see themselves as portraited on TV. Whites are made to feel guilty, greedy and undeserving of the life they have, even if it was earned through hard work and sacrifice. Democrats have destroyed the black family and it kicked into overdrive with LBJ. The war on the middle class demands that the left destroy white families, too. This is just so damn evil. The leftist movement is pure evil full of evil people.

  7. Look fucknuckle,the East German Stassi wasn’t a unicorn fart you elitist turd.

    What part of the few ruling the many don’t you understand?

    I’m guessing all of it.

    Go ahead, vomit out a turgid response you troll fart. All you do is piss and moan and point out other peoples foibles through your telescope from your turd log tower. Try turning it around on yourself captain obviously has a chip on his shoulder. You might see yourself as others do.

    King shit of fucknuckle mountain.


  8. GESTAPO and KGB (and the FBI) work the same way.
    They rely on people who will pimp out their neighbors and family for a chocolate bar (see: Geo. Soros).
    A few in every city but augmented by thousands of greedy, malicious, stoolies.

    Terror combined with propaganda works.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The AARP sends out their publication to my husband as a magazine and they are fully woke with Halle Berry on the cover. I don’t think I’ve even seen a movie she’s in so for her to be preaching how to live is meaningless. In the taxes article the 3 examples with cartoon illustrations are Alberto & Mercedes, Darrell & Yvonne (black) and single white Lisa. Where are we supposed to want to vacation is Big Cities, NYC, Chicago, LA, Seattle, Article on property taxes is about Felicitas and Jesse and Alvaro. To top it all off the diet article is called Whole Body RESET We could make this up ourselves, so predictable!

  10. @Burr, Patron Saint of Fucknuckles everywhere March 18, 2022 at 5:59 am

    > the East German Stassi wasn’t a unicorn fart

    Oh, I’m sorry. Did you think I was referring to the Stasi? And that’s why I quoted something else? Entirely. And didn’t mention the Stasi?

    > All you do is piss and moan and point out other peoples foibles

    Errors are not foibles. They’re not personal. If people are, even thinking, of acting, on a lie, even a well intentioned one, the result will be random, at best. “Barack Obama’s administration is the most open, the most honest, in the history of history.” — now act accordingly. No good will (deliberately) come of that.

  11. The minorities have a big mouth because everyone these days are afraid of not being noticed. Pink hair, a face with so many piercings it sets off a metal detector, tattoos, loud cars. I remember a story about motorcycle gangs. They asked one why he dressed the way he did. He replied that he was against the “man” and didn’t want to wear a uniform. Well someone should tell the idiot that when your group all dresses the same you are wearing a uniform.

  12. I agree with all the folks talking about commercials. It absolutely drives me insane. I keep trying to imagine the outrage if the NBA put out a commercial saying “The NBA, a history of greatness!” and only showed white players.

  13. from the article:

    “Black Americans estimate that, on average, Black people make up 52% of the U.S. adult population; non-Black Americans estimate the proportion is roughly 39%, closer to the real figure of 12%”.

    this explains a lot of things, no?

  14. No fucknuckle you kept it ambiguously open ended like every other passive aggressive man bitch who doesn’t have the balls or cranial capacity to express yourself clearly.

    Understanding this, I tried to again communicate a point full well knowing your fatuous idiocy would miss it entirely.

    Also,good morning friend. have you considered suicide lately? It could be the answer you’re looking for.

  15. 70 years ago everybody was worried that there were Commies under the bed.
    Today, with all the hype we see oozing out of the the Media, you’d think your next door neighbors are all Gay, Black, homosexual, lesbian, trannys just barely surviving in a land chock FULL of “Racism” Misogyny and Homophobia!!

    Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth!

  16. “Divide and Conquer” pretty simple concept.
    AND it works!
    People (generally) are petty and jealous, not overmuch given to serious thought, and woefully mal-educated.
    Which is why they’re ever-ready to scream “nigger,” “honky,” “chink,” “spic,” “kike,” “wop,” and “garlic-eating big-nosed greasy asshole.”

    Course, sometimes it’s just fun.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  17. What I want to know is why, when a “minority” group takes over an institution, be it a college, a division, or a city to where the “minoritys” are numerically a literal majority, this doesn’t then cause “minority” benefits to be extened to the White people instead as THEY are now, definitially, “the minority”.


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