New Poll Finds 68% of San Francisco Voters Support Recall of DA Chesa Boudin – IOTW Report

New Poll Finds 68% of San Francisco Voters Support Recall of DA Chesa Boudin

Unless the same 68% demands election audits, it’s not going to make any difference what they want.

CA Globe:
A new poll released on Wednesday found that 68% of San Francisco voters support the recall of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin.

Since being sworn in in January 2020, Boudin has faced massive criticism over many of his newly implemented policies, including his “decarceration” efforts, which have led to most criminals not being prosecuted and repeat offenders getting released, as well as ramped-up policies aimed at members of the San Francisco Police Department. His actions, which many have pointed to as the reason for skyrocketing crime rates in the city since he took office, led opponents, such as “Safer SF Without Boudin” and “Recall Chesa Boudin,” to mount a recall campaign against him last year.

The signature gathering campaign ultimately proved successful, with over 83,000 signatures turned in, leading to a recall to be held on June 7th of this year. Since the election date was announced, crime has remained high in the city, as exemplified by a wave of smash-and-grab robberies that led to a massive boarding up of Union Square stores. Boudin initially kept his policies going, such as opposing Mayor London Breed’s crime crackdown plan, ignoring more retail stores leaving the city over crime, and digging his heels in after the SFPD ended their memorandum of understanding with the DA’s office.

In recent weeks however, Boudin has changed his tune with the growing discontent with his policies, increasing the number of prosecutions, and speaking out more about the high crime. more

8 Comments on New Poll Finds 68% of San Francisco Voters Support Recall of DA Chesa Boudin

  1. How hard would it be for the “Name” section of this website (in the Leave a Reply section) to be programmed to reject the name Anonymous in all forms? Say you Type out a retarded jab at trump, enter anon in the Name field and when you hit the Post Button it just blamsticks the comment right off the bat. Seems that would fix most of the problems… Just a suggestion.


  2. Fuck the left coast. Northern and central CA should be a separate state because from the looks of things they’re not getting any fucking representation in Sacramento.

    Same with Cook County and downstate IL.

    Don’t know how you’d do it in TX or CO though.

    Oh well soon enough the dollar is not going to be the reserve currency anymore and when that happens, it’s gonna be a whole ‘nother ballgame. You think it’s bad paying wicked high prices for food now? Wait until you can’t even buy it. 40% of last year’s world wide wheat crop won’t be planted this year.

  3. What did they think was gonna happen after electing an asshole who openly stated he wanted to put people accused of serious crimes back on the streets because… “racism”. Too late assholes. The damage is done.


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