Smash The Patriarchy! [Unless the patriarchy’s wearing a sun dress and super-cute sandals] – IOTW Report

Smash The Patriarchy! [Unless the patriarchy’s wearing a sun dress and super-cute sandals]

Gender madness means that rape is no longer rape

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Marxist deconstructionism means breaking down every societal institution to pave the way for the glories of socialism.  The most fundamental institution is biological reality and the cultural traditions built around it — hence the rise of so-called transgenderism to end that institution.  One of the main cultural traditions in the West is that it’s a profound evil when a man forces himself sexually upon a woman.  That’s why it’s deeply disturbing to learn that a hospital denied for almost a year that a rape occurred within its walls because the perpetrator was a so-called “transgender woman” (i.e., a man).

The story comes via The Telegraph and is behind a paywall.  However, John Hinderaker, at Power Line, has pertinent details.

Actually, not many details are necessary because everything is summed up in this sentence:

The attack took place a year ago and the woman reported it but when officers contacted the hospital, which has not been named, they were told “that there was no male in the hospital, therefore the rape could not have happened”.

It turns out that the hospital subscribes to the now antediluvian concept of single-sex wards.  However, it is also controlled by a National Health Service rule — Annex B — mandating the postmodern deconstructionist idea that people can simply declare their “sex” (“I am woman; hear me roar”).  Having done so, they will be placed in the ward consistent with that identity rather than with their biological sex (and, clearly, their biological sexual urges). MORE

10 Comments on Smash The Patriarchy! [Unless the patriarchy’s wearing a sun dress and super-cute sandals]

  1. One of the main cultural traditions in the West is that it’s a profound evil when a man forces himself sexually upon a woman.

    Except that it’s not.

    Is there a clause in American “American” Thinker‘s contracts? That there must be at least one Big Lie(TM)? In every thing submitted for publication?

    (For the proles in the cheap seats: Yes. Some — profoundly — anti-western cultures insist that a man “forcing” himself on an unwilling woman, is an abomination… cuz Grrl Power!)

  2. One of the main cultural traditions in the West is that it’s a profound evil when a man forces himself sexually upon a woman.

    “Except that it’s not.”

    Christ you’re stupid. Now you’re denying basic facts of life. WHY HAVEN’T YOU EATEN A GUN BARREL YET!?

  3. Hmmm.

    Why is only half your brain working? You obviously have some sort of pretension towards intelligence. Head injury? Seriously. You start with a premise…..and then make some wild connection to something unrelated.

    That’s why I’m so hard on you. I love logic too much too see it roofied and raped in the backseat of a 79′ Camero.

  4. soooo … if I’m a man who identifies as a woman, can I be raped by a man who identifies as a man? or, if I’m a woman that identifies as a man? or a man that identifies as a woman on every other Thursday, unless it’s Stacey Abrams identity day? or if I’m cys-bi-gender neutral? or can I rape myself & be charged as a man if I identify as a platypus?

    ‘eff it … too confusing … I’ll just identify as BLM/Antifa & get my ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card from any D’rat judge. if that don’t work I’ll fake my own attempted lynching & cry ‘racisssssss’

    … gotta luv Enlightened Judgement


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