Summers: I Haven’t Seen Any ‘Serious Support’ for Biden’s Claim Oil Companies Are Profiteering – IOTW Report

Summers: I Haven’t Seen Any ‘Serious Support’ for Biden’s Claim Oil Companies Are Profiteering

Breitbart: During an interview aired on Friday’s edition of Bloomberg’s “Wall Street Week,” economist, Harvard Professor, Director of the National Economic Council under President Barack Obama, and Treasury Secretary under President Bill Clinton Larry Summers responded to President Joe Biden’s tweet accusing oil and gas companies of padding their profits by keeping gas prices high by stating, “there’s nothing that would support that in the president’s tweet, and I haven’t seen any analysis coming out of the administration, or anyplace else, that provided serious support for that.” more

9 Comments on Summers: I Haven’t Seen Any ‘Serious Support’ for Biden’s Claim Oil Companies Are Profiteering

  1. Nah. IIRC petrol and diesel refineries get 10 to 12 cents a gallon. At the pump.

    It may be different now. I don’t know that shit. As a matter of fact the shit I know means nothing anymore.

  2. The oil companies are pirates; Hunter’s laptop was Russia, Russia, Russia; Putin is a bully who will poop his pants dealing with a real man like Joe- it will be KornPop 2.0; Kamala will bring order to the border and at what point will the press start reporting all four wheels have fallen off and the car is a blaze in the fast lane durring RUSH hour?

    If this was Trumps first 15 months the then Minority party would already have the Articles of Impeachment written and would be running on them for the Midterms. Sort of a Newt’s Contract with America but more a promise to ‘put the guilty in jail’.

  3. A few minutes ago I watched a video from Sky News Australia that suggested that Ol’ Joe has lost the support of his handlers and that is why people are speaking out against him from what previously would have been friendly quarters.

    The particular subject was how the MSM is now starting to talk about how Hunter’s laptop was real.

    Interesting food for thought.

  4. Joe Biden the Broken Wind-Up Toy, Career Liar, Race-Hater, & Human Trafficker is trying to further wear down Americans by his continuous lying and making things up written by some amateur to massage his otherwise undeveloped and non-influential political muscles.

  5. …but the record profits abd billion-dollar CEO packages that the vaxxine companies realized while making a deadly shot and lying about it not being deadly and having the government coerce most people into taking it in violation of the Nuremberg Laws wasn’t profiteering AT ALL…/s


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