Robinson: How Democrats Cheated In The 2020 Election – IOTW Report

Robinson: How Democrats Cheated In The 2020 Election

Emerald RobinsonExperts find a shadow database lurking in Mesa County’s election system!

A new report from two cybersecurity experts who have reviewed all the election data from Mesa County, Colorado shows that a second and illegal database was secretly installed and used to manipulate votes in the 2020 election.

The report — officially called Mesa County Colorado Voting Systems Report #3 — was written by experts who analyzed all the data from Mesa County’s election server, which was saved before the Colorado Secretary of State and the electronic voting machine company “overwrote” and wiped away the contents of the server’s hard drive.

The report describes exactly how the electronic voting machines were used to change votes in the 2020 election — without election officials being aware of any fraud.

Let’s review the key findings of the report, and see the actual forensic evidence of the cheating, shall we? more

19 Comments on Robinson: How Democrats Cheated In The 2020 Election

  1. Hang them. All the “election officials.”
    As a warning and a caution.
    If they weren’t aware, they are incompetent – if they were aware, they are traitors.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. an ol exJarhead
    MARCH 23, 2022 AT 8:15 AM

    …hey, that’s MY line!

    …but I think they’re gonna give my job to that new Black chick anyway, so if you need me I’ll be in chambers molest…I mean, giving some schoolgirls a private “Under The Robes” tour, if you know what I’m sayin’…

  3. That’s nice!
    Unfortunately, “We the People” have allowed Government to get way too big to fail and be held accountable for their failures. That’ll be our undoing!

    Continue with the Political theater and Pray!

  4. We all know they cheated.

    We all SAW them cheat.

    There’s piles of evidence, but the only people that went to jail are the people who complained about it on January 6th.

    They’re still there. No trial, rights, or anything.

    And there’s still a pedophile the whole worlds knows is a fraud pretending to be president.

    …it appears everyone’s good with it, at least all of the “good guys with guns” are, and as the Democrat’s mentor Mao said, “Power comes from the barrel of a gun”.

    …so as before, despite yet another “bombshell”, nothing contines to happen, nor will it ever, enjoy your chains folks they are only going to get heavier so may as well start growing callouses now…

  5. …still, gotta try, I suppose. Do something, evil will probably win. Do nothing, evil will DEFINITELY win.

    Your choice…

    ‘“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
    “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”’
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Fellowship Of The Ring”.

  6. And the left’s reaction has gone from:
    There is no evidence of any cheating in the 2020 election.

    Well, maybe there were isolated incidents of cheating, but not widespread.

    Well, maybe there was widespread cheating, but not enough to sway the election. Besides, orange man bad!

    At this point what difference does it make. Ukraine! Ukraine! UKRAINE!!!

  7. …this is how Democrats rationalize their cheating…

    “I have done many impious things–no great ruler can do otherwise. I have put the good of the Empire before all human considerations. To keep the Empire free from factions I have had to commit many crimes.”
    -Livia Drucilla Augusta, “I Claudius” bu Robert Graves

    ….as the Preacher says on Ecclesiastes, “There is nothing new under the Sun”. The devil is not creative, he just has new people use the same old evil, but it works because people forget.

    …that’s why he has his minions, in this case calling themselves Democrats, go after history AND kill off the elderly and their long memories.

    So he can use the same old tricks on a new generation, with no one left who can recognize them or point to how it ended the last time.

    Look at the end of Genesis to see how the devil takes advantage of short memories.

    At the end, Joseph, a Jewish man, has by obeying the Lord saved Egypt from a famine and been set at the right hand of Pharoah himself, who invites him to have all Israel come live in Egypt, which they do. It is a good partnership and mutually beneficial.

    Then turn the page to the first chapter in the very next book, Exodus. Skip the genealogy (everyone does), then…

    “8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.

    9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:

    10 Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.

    11 Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.”
    Exodus 1:8-11

    …he knew not Joseph.

    Then all sorts of evil, slavery, murder, plauges, war, pursuit, death, blasphemy, and loss of an entire generation came directly from that.

    …the knowledge of the past is the enemy of the devil.

    That is why he has his slaves work so tirelessly to burn books, rewrite histories, block access, redact documents, destroy statues, kill and discredit the elderly, and threaten those who may seek the truth with imprisonment, torment, and death.

    Because it is the doom of men that they forget,
    And it is the advantage of the devil to make them do so quickly.

  8. Mesa County’s forensic audit points to the exact same situation that was described very early in the PA GE. There is a pre-programmed algorithm planted inside the Dominion EMS software that “auto-corrects” the vote when a non-compliant tabulation of votes is detected. That’s how PA’s system resulted in fractions of votes. The other direct similarity (as a result of this “auto-correct”) are the multiple times the adjudicated ballots are re-tabulated and the speeds at which this is done (a fraction of the time it normally takes). This could only have been done via an algorithm detecting the need to add/subtract votes based on its programmed parameters. Thus, it is likely that election clerks/workers had no oversight or interaction with the operation of the internally changed software. But, once the problem was made known to election workers, a visit by Dominion people (both in Mesa County and in PA), the problem “was resolved”, except it wasn’t. Only the appearance of a problem was resolved.

  9. All future election sites should be manned by national guard to ensure that everything runs smoothly. All Dominion machines must also be monitored by Homeland Security. No more international transfers of data before, during and after the elections. Sever penalties should be handed down to any internet and legacy media source that influences elections to include lengthy prison time for their owners and publishers.

  10. mickey moussaoui
    MARCH 23, 2022 AT 12:08 PM
    “All future election sites should be manned by national guard to ensure that everything runs smoothly.”

    …assuming you can trust the National Guard. Hey, didn’t they implement a loyalty to the Party test not long ago, and throw out everyone who failed? Some kind of jab or another?

    …and I think they have Political Correctness tests all the time too, someone actually IN the NG can correct me if that’s not so…

    …see, the problem is. Democrats ruin EVERYTHING.

    National Guards NOT excepted.


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