Newsweek Shift – Maybe Putin Not So Bad, He Could Devastate Ukraine, but Putin Is Holding Back – IOTW Report

Newsweek Shift – Maybe Putin Not So Bad, He Could Devastate Ukraine, but Putin Is Holding Back

CTH: Well, this is weird.  After weeks of the horrible Putin narrative, Newsweek softens the tone, perhaps sees a larger landscape where Russia is working strategically though a plan and says, “Putin’s Bombers Could Devastate Ukraine but He’s Holding Back.”  Wait, what?

According to the anonymous Newsweek sources – intelligence officials who fear speaking publicly for fear of severe repercussions – it would be very easy for Vladimir Putin to level the key cities and industries in Ukraine, but he’s not doing it.

The strategy Newsweek is seemingly beginning to admit is the same strategy Col Douglas Macgregor has been speaking about. MORE

See also: End of Petro-Dollar Begins, Russia Instructs Central Bank to Organize Payments From Hostile Countries in Rubles

3 Comments on Newsweek Shift – Maybe Putin Not So Bad, He Could Devastate Ukraine, but Putin Is Holding Back

  1. I think our military really does not want to get involved in this, while State and the CIA are avidly pursuing our entry into war. It’s interesting that at the same time Newsweek is saying that Putin is showing restraint, the CIA mouthpiece NYT is claiming that Russia is “stalled” in Ukraine. Maybe the Pentagon is using Newsweek as its mouthpiece.

    All of this talk about a “humanitarian aid corridor” into Ukraine and a “limited no-fly zone” to protect it is just stupid bluster, to which I’d bet the Pentagon is quietly screaming “Hell no”. If Russia and Ukraine reached a settlement before Monday, I would not be surprised.

  2. This “softening” was bound to happen, because the New Global Reset bastards want Putin as a member of the club and Putin had his price that they are willing to pay. Looks like Russia wants eastern Ukraine only and wants to keep Ukraine out of NATO.

    All the western hand-wringing and Putin hate will dissipate sooner than later because having Russia in the Big Boys club is far more important than a few million Ukrainians. Watch – the US Gov’t will soon be saying, essentially, forget Ukraine, the real crises is the Global Climate and white supremacy.


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