ABC notices the Hunter Biden laptop – IOTW Report

ABC notices the Hunter Biden laptop

16 Comments on ABC notices the Hunter Biden laptop

  1. TRAITOROUS BASTARDS must be dealt with or we have no chance to maintain our Republic! We are about to be a sickening failure in the attempt to allow free people to be in control of their destiny. I’m pissed off as hell because there are so many of us that see it happening, but there’s not enough of us in positions of power and influence to change what’s happening. We are between a rock and a hard place!

  2. Time to make it a big deal
    The ‘First Crackhead’ can get his trial and sentence
    out of the way, and then be pardoned
    before “Big Guy” leaves on his space ship.

  3. Having served his purpose by so treasonously destroying the nation, his puppeteers have decided his usefulness has been served and his days are numbered.

    Jill Biden should be hanged alongside him.

  4. You can’t touch the Clintons. They have left a body trail from D.C. to Little Rock. This like many other scandals is headed under the nearest boulder.

  5. Not sure what to make of this. My thoughts are they are greasing the skids to dump him after Ukraine resolves (presuming we are not all dead by then) and before the midterms.

    They will use the Pedo as a scapegoat and whipping boy, “We got rid of the idiot, all is well now” will be the narrative to prevent the coming bloodbath.

    The conundrum they really face is Commiela, she’s a vapid airhead unfit to assume the office. Pedo will be easy, obviously the exit will be for age related health reasons, but the half black child will be a real cunt about it.

    They have boxed themselves into a real intersectional corner there. She was just to imbecilic to pass muster on the SC or she would have been out already.

    At any rate, it will be fun to matter what drastic steps are taken its going to be Cutters Last Stand, and us redskins love watching that.

  6. I used to believe that term limits could correct some of the problem. But if we don’t prosecute Biden for openly taking bribes then term limits for politicians will be of little significance. Anyone can be bought when the law means nothing. Obviously the Legacy Media doesn’t give a squat about ‘Truth’ so we can’t count on them for an ounce of journalistic integrity.

  7. Not ABC, and not any network. The logo on the lower right identifies the source as KUTV, a CBS-affiliated station on channel 2 in Salt Lake City. But it’s a start.

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