Meanwhile, America’s Troubles Continue – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, America’s Troubles Continue

American Thinker:

By J. Robert Smith

Watching cable news and listening to talkers and a parade of congressional Republicans, you’d think someone waved a magic wand, making all of America’s troubles vanish.  The Ukraine war is very visible, however.  The war for the nation’s future is gone, as are the many battles that comprise that war… a war that decides whether or not America is free and prosperous or succumbs to authoritarianism, whatever the brand.  

Conservatives — those gripped by war fever with Russia — are ignoring the cold civil war raging in our country.  “American Marxism,” conceptualized by Mark Levin, is no less a threat to the nation.  Lose the war to that ism and America is finished, even if it’s still called the “U.S.A.” and retains some of its trappings.  

Republicans are making a serious strategic blunder.  Their preoccupation with Putin’s aggression won’t win the GOP seats in congressional and down-ballot elections this November.  Voters will tire soon enough of Ukraine, 24/7.  Moreover, due to Joe Biden’s stunning incompetence and ideologically driven agenda, Americans are grappling with inflation-induced gas and grocery price hikes, an open border, and worries about crime.  Those issues are uppermost for voters.  They’re priorities.    

In the last ten days or so, it’s conservative and Republican voices that are being heard the loudest on the war.  Democrats and their media allies have drawn back.  Biden has made it clear that he won’t risk war with Russia.  A no-fly zone is a nonstarter.  Sending fighter aircraft is a no-go.  Democrats make political calculations about everything.  Maybe they’re sensing that banging war drums won’t win midterm elections?  more
h/t NAAC

10 Comments on Meanwhile, America’s Troubles Continue

  1. Yes!!! If the GOP thinks we will are dumb enough to vote their ‘freebie chasing, jump on the next bandwagon asses’ back in office……NEVER MIND. We are that dumb. That’s why we have pelousi, mitch the turtle, mitt the traitor, and so many more.

    Don’t vote for a worthless incumbent. WE control terms they serve. Fire them.

  2. Yes!!!

    Any clowngress person voted for their recent 21% pay raise deserves to go. In what job does the employee get to raise their own pay??? The nationwide constituents should be voting on that every 4 years.

    Oh crud. They’d find a way to cheat in that election….been there done that.

    If the GOP thinks we will are dumb enough to vote their ‘freebie chasing, jump on the next bandwagon asses’ back in office……NEVER MIND. We are that dumb. That’s why we have pelousi, mitch the turtle, mitt the traitor, and so many more.

    Don’t vote for a worthless incumbent. WE control terms they serve. Fire them.

  3. Republicans possess one thing democrats will never achieve…snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
    They deserve nothing less than our scorn.

  4. “Never attribute to incompetence what can be ascribed to malice.”

    To assume that RINO politicians are stupid is foolish – they are evil.
    Huge difference.
    Greedy, grasping, treasonous, duplicitous, mendacious, lying, amoral, nihilists who believe in nothing but power – who love nothing but themselves.

    It doesn’t matter what a politician calls itself – its acts define it – and if we weren’t such a mal-educated, mis-guided, and apathetic nation we would vote accordingly – and rid ourselves of these pestiferous parasites.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I used to believe that term limits could correct some of the problem. But if we don’t prosecute Biden for openly taking bribes then term limits for politicians will be of little significance. Anyone can be bought when the law means nothing.

  6. Ukraine will eventually smoulder out with Potato Head Joe & the Demos claiming that they ended it regardless of how it redraws map.

    I have a Brother in Law vacationing in Florida and his words yesterday to me were, “Nobody Gives a Fuck about the Ukraine down here.” (his words)

    Neither do I, but I do like watching the burning Ruski Tanks & APC’s.


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