Uranium, oil and technology: How Russia got stronger as Bidens and Clintons got richer – IOTW Report

Uranium, oil and technology: How Russia got stronger as Bidens and Clintons got richer

Just The News-

In the early days of Russia’s war on Ukraine, President Joe Biden boldly declared he was ready to seize “ill-begotten gains” of the region’s oligarchs.

But in the years before Moscow twice invaded Ukraine, Democrats enriched themselves politically and personally from such oligarchs and businesses in the region while empowering Vladimir Putin with energy and technology deals that still haunt America today.

Our best-selling book “Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties” chronicled how a failed “reset” in U.S.-Russia relations led by Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton relied on an appeasement strategy that ultimately backfired with Russia.

Putin’s spoils were measured in billions of dollars in uranium contracts with U.S. utilities, expanded oil imports and transfers of sensitive technologies. more

3 Comments on Uranium, oil and technology: How Russia got stronger as Bidens and Clintons got richer

  1. “On top of these nuclear handouts, the Obama-Biden-Clinton team gave Russia one of the biggest prizes of all: Uranium One. …Its assets in Wyoming, Utah, and other states constituted approximately 20% of U.S. uranium capacity … Investors in the deal had funneled $145 million into Secretary Clinton’s family foundation. Its approval helped to give Russia a near-monopoly on global uranium production.”

    the clinton’s benefited from that sale, obviously.
    that would be “ill-begotten gains” if anything is.
    the funds should be confiscated and our domestic ‘oligarchs’ jailed.

    and there is little, if any consolation in the possibility that if the russians send a nuke over here, the clintons sold them the materials to do so.
    treasonists, they are

  2. beget
    begotten (past participle)
    (typically of a man, sometimes of a man and a woman) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction.

    The phrase you’re groping for is “ill-gotten”. But enough, Joe about your granddaughter, begotten by Hunter and forgotten by you.


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