The False Gospel of the Enemies Within the Church – IOTW Report

The False Gospel of the Enemies Within the Church

American Thinker:
By Janet Levy

Christianity has been intricately intertwined with the history and development of America and greatly contributed to its strength.  Judeo-Christian morality, in fact, has been the compass and one of the most powerful influences on Western society.  So, the Marxists see Christianity as the main obstacle to overthrowing Westphalian principles of sovereignty. To them, the church is the most crucial institution to conquer to usher in the New World Order.  They know that if the churches fail – especially in America, which represents the phenomenal success of capitalism and individualism – the entire culture, including politics, will move to the Left. 

Most Americans will be surprised to learn that an unholy crusade to infiltrate the bastions of Christianity and co-opt churches in the revolution began more than a hundred years ago. It is now threatening to gain critical mass.

This danger is the subject of a new film, Enemies Within the Church, produced by Cary Gordon, Trevor Loudon, and Judd Saul.  It chronicles the destructive infiltration of the churches and the injection of “wokeism” — Marxism, social justice, Critical Race Theory, gender fluidity – into church doctrine.  The choir of radical Left ideology, having targeted and gradually co-opted the media, Hollywood, Big Tech, the unions, and the political parties, set its sights on penetrating and controlling the churches, a difficult, long-term endeavor.  And, as the film explains, the communists eventually succeeded in penetrating the Bible colleges, seminaries, and pulpits of many denominations to push Christianity in the direction they want. read more

23 Comments on The False Gospel of the Enemies Within the Church

  1. “Liberation Theology” -liberation theology is a social and political movement within the church that attempts to interpret the gospel of Jesus Christ through the lived experiences of oppressed people. -U.S. Catholic 10-14-2014
    Liberating the Church from God to make way for Socialism/Communism.

  2. I LOVE this subject!

    Just watched a very good documentary on Martin Luther. The YT title is: “Martin Luther, A Return to Grace”.

    Had it not been for Luther, America had no chance of existing. It’s not just that Christianity has “influenced” America; America would not exist in its very deliberate, founding form without it, and Christianity would not exist in it’s original doctrine without Luther. The reformation of the Holy Roman Papacy and its theological empire is a fascinating story filled with miraculous twists, ending with a European emperor who was just too tired to stomp out the Protestants and who resigned from his office to spend his remaining years as a monk in a far off monestary.

    Over the past 2-3 years I have turned my energy to exploring and understanding something the Left has been exceedingly successful in pulling off; that “far right”, if you will, Christianity is cuckoo and to be avoided by more temperate Christians. Yes, there are nut cases out there who lead “mega churches” whose doctrine walks the edges and who are just downright wrong; the case has been made about Hillsong, Joel Osteen, and many others, who preach bad doctrine and should be avoided. But there are some others whose mega church “style”, though loud and boisterous in their “worship ministry” are sound when it comes to Biblical teaching. These are the ones I’ve been investigating. The one thing I am worried about is the continued fracturing of the Church along evangelical versus charasmatic lines. I’ve determined that if one is at all serious about their relationship with Jesus and increasing their understanding of his Word, ALL the establishment churches are too far gone to be helpful in this pursuit. All of them; from Baptist to Lutheran, and everything in between.

    They say that religion is a private thing between a person and “their god”. That’s another thing the Left uses against the Church to silence followers of Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

  3. From the beginning of the church the weeds have grown with the wheat, the goats with the sheep and the good fish with the bad. Avoid evil at all costs, study the word of God and be wise seeking wisdom from above. Love the lost, preach the gospel. And trust God will sort it all out in the day of judgement.

  4. The article explains why we have a steady flow of Catechumens. There is a large movement of Christians coming home to the Orthodox Church from the Protestant and Catholic churches.

  5. It is not easy to find a Bible believing / teaching church, but when you do, no reason to look for another. You cannot tell by the name on the building (sadly). I carry a King James with me and that is what I look for. That’s just me.

  6. @Not Me — Yes, spread the Good News, but as Martin Luther so pointedly observed: “You can’t simply hand everyone a Bible and say, ‘Here, make of it what you will'”. After the 95 theses and the debates, his most energetic project was to teach the teachers in sound doctrine. We can’t expect to repel the Left’s infiltration of “the Church” if we aren’t willing to carry out the great commission, personally. Most Christians can sow the seeds, but it takes committed teachers and the Church, together, to provide the environment for Christians to mature in their faith.

    God will sort it all out, of course. But we must take a more active role to promote God’s desire that none should perish.

  7. One of the positive aspects of the Covid years has been the explosion of church services going online.

    Churches who would never have explored that aspect of outreach were impelled to reach their own members this way.
    The lockdowns forced people to rely on technology in a new way, and isolation helped people search out places where hope lives, the churches.

    Many churches were slick and well produced, but many more were struggling with some aspect of technology, yet the sincerity was apparent.

    People who would never dream of darkening the door of their local church found comfort in the anonymity of watching a service from home.

    Now, many are still enjoying that anonymity, as the churches are “dying”.

    I do not have any idea of the future, but my trust is in the Trinitarian God who has it all under control. His word will not be stopped despite the devil’s best try.

  8. @Graceia

    God commanded Christians not to forsake church assembly.
    Heb 10:24-25
    …and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
    25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

    Streaming church services is a tool of the enemy to weaken the individual’s faith, the benefits of corporate worship and learning and Christian fellowship.

    The enemy will provide every excuse to wavering Christians not to attend church.

    Hebrews 10:24-25 says that we are to exhort and encourage the love of the brethren do good deeds and pray for one another. One can’t do this if all they do is stream the service.

    The time is coming that attending church will try your faith as never before as the day (Jesus’ return for His church) approaches.

  9. A good podcast for doctrine and current events is Todd Wilkerson of Issues, Etc. Molly and Mark Hemingway are frequent guests as is Joy Pullman of the Federalist.

  10. Churches and pastors took the funny money to push the vaccine agenda. They willingly went against the Bible and closed their churches instead of speaking up against the tyranny in order to enrich themselves. They’ve become the biblical moneychangers in the temple and Jesus would not be happy.

  11. There is one thing I haven’t yet been able to understand. As I drive around Seattle, I notice various church building’s reader boards, signs and flags draping their windows and buildings. There’s a couple particular ones north of the city; one is a “Baptist” church, the other Lutheran.

    During the Kavenaugh nomination hearings when the “Me Too!” BS got rolling, the Lutheran church had this on it’s reader board: “They didn’t believe Mary either.” A friend snapped a picture of it and sent it on to me. Her mom called the church and asked the lesbian “minister” if they were suggesting that Mary was molested. True to form, the evil pretender began yelling at my friend’s mom because she didn’t have a Biblical leg to stand on. So Leftist, right?

    The “Baptist” church — for the past several years — flies both the LGBTQ rainblow flag and the “Black Lives Matter” banner on the side of their building.

    Several years ago while visiting Walla Walla we attended a 100+ year old church just to see the place. We sat through a “sermon” by two lesbian “ministers” who spent the sermon hour preaching global warming and Gaia. This is one of Walla Walla’s best-attended churches. I was shocked by the number of seniors in the pews who just sat there taking it all in. And their Sunday School program was packed to the rafters. Mainline Presbyterians.

    What I don’t understand: Why isn’t the real church storming these houses of Leftist worship? Why are they even allowed to exist? We should be walking pickets up and down in front of them on Sunday, alerting their members that they are being duped into damnation. It’s all right there in the Bibles they all carry around!

    Then I return to Luther and his problems. The ministers he sought to teach didn’t know: The Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, or the Lord’s Prayer. Some of them had never even seen a Bible.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same, unless we change things.

  12. @1harpazo,
    I totally agree that we need to be in community to be the true church. However, covid policies closed churches, (despite what our beliefs were about this evil), and people who were shut up in their homes were searching for connections.
    I trust that they may come to speak with Christians in the workplace, etc. And, if they are those whose seeds “fell on good soil”, they will grow.
    Again, I trust that God takes everything the devil throws and turns it to good.

  13. The Bible says to “come out of her my people.” Who is “her.” The church of Babylon, we know who they are if you’re astute to what the Bible teaches. Here’s such a group that I thought would be last to claim liberalism. You don’t know until they open their pie hole. I don’t go to church, most of them leave a bad thought in my head.

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  14. A few weeks ago the head pastor at our church said when you hear “Progressive Christianity” it’s never a good thing. He also talked about denying only two genders, etc.
    It was great!
    A lot of clergy want to be nice instead of taking a stand for God’s Word.

  15. I’m thankful, that even though our church was closed for a couple weeks at the beginning of the Covid ridiculousness, our Pastors made the decision to defy “orders” and open anyway.
    We’ve experienced an explosion in attendance and have partnered with another local church, whose population was ageing out.
    We have now packed out the second location and are checking the area for a third, larger venue to service more of the community.
    The wonderful thing is, our Pastor preaches straight from God’s word and very often says..”Our culture today says..(fill in with whatever culture says is OK) But, this is what God says.”
    And he takes us straight through scriptures.

  16. The insidiousness of these infiltrators is that they may not even know that they have left their Bible teaching for social teaching. My pastor in the church I loved in MN, started to slowly change. Most of us didn’t even notice it at first, but one brave soul asked him to preach about the homosexual marriage vote coming up during that next election cycle. He told her that he didn’t want to offend anyone. That was just before the left started getting the vapors over everything.

    Many people left, as I did. A few months before I moved back to MI, I heard the church fired him and several of the Elders. I went back a few times and the pastor was pretty good.

    I was corresponding to someone the other day, talking about how this can happen. I told him about the Scriptures telling us exactly why this is happening:

    2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”

    When people want God to rubber stamp their life style, beliefs and preferences, they have to make up a god different from the One True God. That is what we see today and what has happened since man was created and sinned. It’s nothing new.

    Then Romans 1:28 also shows us what is behind the people we see in government, business, etc who are leading this evil desire to stamp out God. “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.”

    To get the bigger picture, read the whole section, Romans 1:18-32. Especially 29-31. Guess what group that describes for our current situation?

  17. There is Echad (One) ‘seed of Abraham’ (not seeds), and it is the Echad (One) Treasured Possession. This good Word is from YHWH T’savaot, who changes NOT. He has only EVER stated that there is Echad (One) standard of ‘Weights and Measures’ for His Treasured Possession, the Natural and Grafted **IN**, and to have ‘diverse weights and measures’ is an Abomination to Him.

    Lev 19:35-36
    Deut 25:13-16
    Ezek 45:9-10
    Amos 8:4-6
    Hosea 12:7-8
    Micah 6:10-14
    Prov 20:10; 11:1; 16:11; 20:23; 22:28

    Test whether your religion/theology passes that standard.

    Shavua Tov!

    Below is lifted from a FB post:


    William Roberts · 11h

    I saw this post listed in quotes and wanted to make a few comments.

    “Obedience to the law of Yahweh is the most powerful shield against all forms of temptation “
    Yet without the foundational laws being kept FIRST, obedience to the rest of his laws will not justify or keep anyone from anything.

    We can not be justified by keeping Torah. Romans 3:20
    YET it’s the doers of the Torah who are justified. Roman’s 2:13

    Torah can not give you salvation YET without Torah you can never have salvation.

    Sounds confusing Yet it’s not

    Ask your self a simple question!

    “ CAN you have salvation if you don’t love Yhwh?” The answer if your honest is “no” you can’t have salvation without loving Yhwh. Nor can you be obedient to his word. Guess what the two greatest laws are literally the foundation of all of Torah and the prophets. Yet most think it’s the only laws that are to be kept. The two laws are apart of Torah from the beginning.

    To love Yhwh with all your heart mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself!! Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18

    And confirmed in Mathew 22:37, mark 12:30. Luke 10:27 and mark 12:33 says it’s more important than all the burnt offering. BUT NOTICE it doesn’t say it replaces that law. That would be a sin!!!

    When Yeshua said he did not come to change any part of the Torah he meant what he said. He knew he couldn’t add to Torah nor take away from it without being in sin. Mathew 5:17
    He said he came to establish the law or fulfill!! Which does not mean do away with. Or Yeshua would be in sin.

    The father of all created the Torah in the first five Books of Moses and sealed it in Deuteronomy 4:2. By making it a sin to add to or take away from his word. Yet why does the Bible SEEM to contradict itself?
    It’s not what was written that’s the problem. It what meaning people attach to what’s written that’s the problem.

    See there was a group of men teaching that YOU MUST BE CIRCUMCISED FIRST IN ORDER TO OBTAIN SALVATION! Acts 15:1-3 Yet no where in Torah does that show to be true. Paul was not teaching circumcision was not important. What he was against is teaching you had to be circumcised in order to gain salvation.
    To walk with Yhwh is to be obedient to his word. You can’t be holy (set apart) if you deny what sets believers apart from the rest of the world.

    * Exodus 19:4-6�‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.’ �

    Deuteronomy 14:2�For you are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. �

    Deuteronomy 26:18-19�Also today the LORD has proclaimed you to be His special people, just as He promised you, that you should keep all His commandments, and that He will set you high above all nations which He has made, in praise, in name, and in honor, and that you may be a holy people to the LORD your God, just as He has spoken.”

    To deny any part of Torah is to deny being Yhwhs people. — with David Helman and 78 others


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