How many COVID booster shots will finally be enough? – IOTW Report

How many COVID booster shots will finally be enough?

American Thinker:
By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.

From the beginning of the COVID pandemic starting two years ago, we have heard conflicting and often nonsensical recommendations from those charged with knowing better and leading the country through the biggest public health crisis that most of us have ever experienced.

From “15 days to slow the spread” to mask mandates changing as fast as the weather, reality and science was whatever those in power declared it to be on any given day. First, we were told that masks were worthless in stopping viruses. Shortly thereafter we were told to wear one, then two, then one, now back to none.

Masks are unnecessary in a crowded mall, restaurant, or BLM protest, but life-saving in an elementary school, airport, or airplane which is constantly recirculating and disinfecting the air. Similarly, the vaccines, we were told, would stop transmission and infection with COVID until we learned that they did neither, only reducing the severity of illness and risk of death.

In the U.K. for example, last month 80-90 percent of COVID deaths were among the vaccinated, although the “fact checkers” are eager to claim “misinterpretation” or “lack of context.” 

Nothing is permitted to interfere with the preferred narrative. So, when are vaccinations no longer necessary? When has a country or region reached a sufficient level of herd immunity that life can return to some semblance of normal? Never mind the businesses, families, and lives destroyed by closures and mandates, whose only view of normal is in their rear-view mirrors. Life will never be normal again just as it isn’t for residents of a town devastated by a hurricane or tornado. more

18 Comments on How many COVID booster shots will finally be enough?

  1. The number of booster shots is in direct proportion to the number of dollars Big Pharma/Big Gov’t is intent on taking from the people.


    It won’t stop until they are forced to stop. That requires the majority of the people in this country to stop being sheep and we’re pretty damn far away from reversing the trend at the rate we’re going. A few things can disrupt it quicker like Old Joe dropping some nuclear bombs. Faster than that, an EMP that disables all smart phones.

  2. Millions will line up for the next round. I personally know 2 people that refuse to believe there could be a problem with the vax and believe it’s 100% safe and that it’s saved countless lives. There is nothing I send them and some of the studies and interviews are horrible(undertakers pulling long strings out of arteries WITH PICTURES)

    I tell them it’s actually an IQ test and they’ve failed. I’m past giving a fuck


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