Panetta throws Biden under the bus – IOTW Report

Panetta throws Biden under the bus

And makes a condescending statement about the Irish.

Red State: There was a lot of crazy effort from folks on the left to try to provide some cover for Joe Biden’s big gaffe seemingly pushing regime change as to Vladimir Putin.

We even saw Never Trumper “expert” Tom Nichols get upset with CNN because they finally had a truthful chyron — just quoting what Biden said about Putin.

The White House walked that back, claiming that Biden’s point was that “Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.” Then Biden messed that up, saying he wasn’t walking anything back but saying he wasn’t articulating a policy change and making things worse with his confusion.

But perhaps one of the worst takes was from former Obama defense secretary Leon Panetta on Monday. Panetta managed to somehow both insult Irish people and throw Biden under the bus at the same time. read more

13 Comments on Panetta throws Biden under the bus

  1. It seems to me Panetta is saying our senile “president” screwed up because he is so wonderful and empathic, not because he’s a dementia-addled old fool well past his sell-by date.

  2. “Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region.” OH, it is okay when the U.S. government behaves this way, but not okay when other countries do? Spare me the sanctimony, Biden you a**.

  3. Wait a minute !! According to Panetta — Biden is Irish ??? Then WTF is he doing play-acting at being an American President?

    If he is NOT an American, then GET THE FUCK OUT!

    Get the American who was born in Queens, NY into the Presidency, where he rightfully belongs. And everybody knows it!
    Stolen elections are now causing invasions and wars. At first regional and then it will be world war. Are the Lefties happy with what they have wrought?

  4. Here, let me help you Leon. oBiden shitz his pants out of concern for others. His intent is to keep his buttwipers employed.
    Ooh, look Leon! It’s your turn to change him.

  5. So this is the same Leon Pignetta that stuffed Federal documents in this socks and pants and walked out of a Federal building with them, that Leon Pignetta?

    I wouldn’t listen to or believe him no matter what he says. He should be doing time the traitor.

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