Clinton campaign, DNC to pay fine for concealing payments for anti-Trump Steele dossier – IOTW Report

Clinton campaign, DNC to pay fine for concealing payments for anti-Trump Steele dossier

Just The News: The Federal Election Commission has fined Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the Democratic National Committee for disguising payments through a law firm for the infamous Steele dossier that gave rise to the now-discredited Russia collusion allegations, according to a letter made public Wednesday.

The commission found the campaign and DNC made total payments of  slightly more than $1 million to the opposition research firm Fusion GPS through its law firm, labeling it as “legal and compliance consulting” when in fact it was for research related to the Steele dossier, according to the letter made public by the Coolide and Reagan Foundation that filed the original complaint. read more

20 Comments on Clinton campaign, DNC to pay fine for concealing payments for anti-Trump Steele dossier

  1. Big deal. She’s probably carries that much in her purse next to her hot sauce. The millions of tax payer dollars used in all their sham, and they knew it was a sham, investigations and hearings they get a $8000 and $105,000 fine. Where’s the deterrent? Isn’t hard for me to see treason and sedition but I’m nobody.

  2. I’ll bet she got a severe wrath of knuckles as well. That can hardly be called Justice. The pledge should be altered to read “‘With liberty and Justice for none”.

  3. “…when it was, in fact for opposition research”????
    No, it was paid to create a false story about prostitutes peeing on a bed, to throw the election.
    And the deep state cover up continues.

  4. Folks, I’ve done the math and this is a pretty serious fine. $8,000 divided by $20 (average price for a passable bottle from California) equals 400 cases of Chardonnay! When this is paired with straight shots of Russian vodka, we’re talking a one Hell of a lot of bottled therapy. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton is going to need some help recycling all these empty bottles, and that’s not cheap when you consider what illegal aliens are pulling down in Chappaqua.

  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Hey Marco, is Hillary still donating Bill’s used underwear to charity and writing it off on their taxes? And they should be investigating Hillary and the DNC for RICO act violations.

  6. And if this were the other way around, Trump smearing the nastiest hag ever, it would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER end like this.

    They find ways daily, every day, to make us hate them more!
    If President Trump resumes as Chief Executor (of US Law, he better completely shred all these criminals.

  7. Youse guys are missing the point.
    Clintons have never been nailed……on anything.
    This may be the trickle that breaks the dam.

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