U.S Navy to Name Ship After Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – IOTW Report

U.S Navy to Name Ship After Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

GP: The U.S Navy announced on Thursday that a future John Lewis-class replenishment oiler (T-AO) ship would be named ‘USNS Ruth Bader Ginsburg‘ to honor the late Supreme Court Justice on her ‘fight for women’s rights and gender equality.’

“As we close out women’s history month, it is my absolute honor to name the next T-AO after the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She is a historic figure who vigorously advocated for women’s rights and gender equality,” Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro said in a statement Thursday. more

46 Comments on U.S Navy to Name Ship After Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  1. And always remember there’s also the politically correct named USS Harvey Milk as well. The new and degenerate Navy is not my Navy anymore. Naming an oiler the USS RBG gives a new meaning to the acronym UNREP. I wonder if it leaves a great big grease slick behind it in the wake of the ship when its underway on the ocean.

  2. …between John Lewis and Ruth Bader Ginsberg, it should be a Constipation Class vessel, noted for an inability to discharge waste normally, so it backs up until it runs out of the bridge instead, spraying filth onto every ship that comes to it for help.

    It also has a revised system appropriate to the names where it sucks out what little is left in the tanks of the ships its meant to be fueling for later sale to the Chinese, and when those ships are dead in the water it signals to them to go buy electric ships instead as it departs with the wheel hard to port for the nearest enemy shore…

  3. Once there was a little girl who lived next to me
    Teacher said she’s a sailor boy, when she was only three
    Now she’s a he on a oiler in a maternity sailor suit
    Just a great big sailor but she thinks she’s very cute
    (With her bell bottom trousers, coat of navy blue
    She loves being a sailor as the Navy gets her screwed)
    When she’s away on the RGB
    They slow it so that she
    Keeps her morning sickness under control
    And doesn’t constantly pee
    (Oh, bell bottom trousers, coat of navy blue
    She loves being a sailor as the Navy gets her screwed)
    (The revised “Bell Bottom Trousers)

  4. Can’t they just pull an old, obsolete ship that doesn’t perform a legitimate function from the mothballed fleet and rename it?
    Would save taxpayer’s a lot of money.

  5. …a new feature for the Constipation class in the large wedding chapel at the stern of the ship, perfect for gay marriages at sea in honor of xir namesake. This conveniently offers acccess immediately after the ceremony to the intimate honeymoon suite located on the poop deck, which is only accessible at a companionway in the rear.

    Anchors aweigh. Boiz!

  6. Different Tim
    APRIL 2, 2022 AT 9:26 AM

    “…Would save taxpayer’s a lot of money.”

    …which is why they would not do it, THAT is a violation of some of RGBs most closely held beliefs that the taxpayer and the citizen MUST be screwed as hard as possible, and from the rear just to drive the point home…

  7. C’mon, Mammy! The greatest contribution that Ruth Bader Ginsberg ever made to the United States Constitution, was her determination to hang on to her seat until she could be replaced by another woman nominated by President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton.

  8. I find it funny that the “greenie” leftists would tolerate naming an entire class of ship associated with “filthy carbon” fuel oil after one of their icons and then naming one in that class after another icon.
    Maybe that is the hidden joke that was eluding me.
    Every time it pumps thousands of gallons of oil into other ships that will then turn it into evil CO2 we can think of RBG.

  9. MissInMi
    APRIL 2, 2022 AT 9:54 AM
    “Are they going to deck it out with a lace doily too?”

    …no, but xir biologically male seamen are invited to wear one with a convenient center cutout around their afterburners if they desire…

  10. …sooo. when you put THAT much gay out to sea, how do you know if they are butt pirates or ACTUAL pirates?

    By which kind of booty they take in raids?

    …and I would imagine the Captain needs to be quite precise in hx orders. An order for a mate to “swab the poop deck” could result in several very different executions, and the title of “Captain Of The Head” may need to be revised as well…

  11. If that secretary of the navy were doing his job properly, he’d have named it the Rachel Levine in honor of women’s history month. This guy ain’t woke enough.

  12. As important as she is to women’s history, they should design and christen a new class of naval ship in her honor–garbage scows.
    How fitting would that be! Someone go bend Pelousy’s ear to make it happen.

  13. A “John Lewis-class replenishment oiler” ??? Are you kidding me??? Is this kosher oil or what? How many bases does the Navy cover with this one…. and do we have just TOO many ships?? A Gerald Ford carrier was a stretch for me!!

  14. Gladys
    APRIL 2, 2022 AT 9:17 AM
    Will it be used to sink the other US ships?

    If her fugly mug is on the bow….with nary a shot fired.

  15. Tim – FJB
    APRIL 2, 2022 AT 12:09 PM
    “I’m just guessing here, but is it designed to appear as a floating turd?”

    …no one knows WHAT xe looks like, xe is always bent over and covered in a misshapen black tarp…

  16. I served on a replenishment ship, the USS Seattle AOE3. It’s been decommissioned and scrapped but if afloat today would be considered unwoke because our mascot was Chief Seattle. Naming ships after lefty icons is degrading. Funny how things works out.

  17. Help me out here, An oiler? Sound like a non combat ship; if it. a shop. I was FMF but all i know are Cruisers, Carriers and Destroyers. Whats “an oiler”?

  18. Maybe we could name the next genaration antitank missile after her .. the RBG-7

    One thing you must say about Ruthie G .. she was a tough old bird; a real leftie warhorse. She hung tough at her Supreme Court post when most anyone else would have stepped down

    We’re lucky the Left doesn’t have anybody with her qualities anymore


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