‘The Borders Have To Be Secure’: Manchin Pans Plans To End Title 42 – IOTW Report

‘The Borders Have To Be Secure’: Manchin Pans Plans To End Title 42

Conservative Brief:

Sen. Joe Manchin is pushing back on the Biden administration’s plans to end Title 42, a public health measure implemented by the Trump administration to allow for quick deportation of illegal aliens during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The West Virginia Democrat is warning — as have others in his party — that ending the rule will lead to a massive influx of migrants who are already either camped out in Mexico near the border or who are heading towards the U.S. in convoys.

“I think they should reconsider,” Manchin told members of the press, per Fox News. “I sent a letter, I’m against removing Title 42.” 

“If anything we should be looking at permanency on Title 42,” he added. “Maybe that would spur us to get a good immigration policy that works for Americans and secure our borders — the borders have to be secure,” he noted.

“Oh my goodness. Just watch the news y’all put out every day, what’s coming across,” Manchin said, per The Hill

10 Comments on ‘The Borders Have To Be Secure’: Manchin Pans Plans To End Title 42

  1. “I sent a letter…”

    …and that’s all anyone ever does to stem the tide of Communism.

    Sometimes they are signed my more people.

    Sometimes they are open.

    Sometimes they are even sternly worded.

    …but what they are NOT, is effective.

    Communism has total power as a goal. No word from anyone will sway them from that goal.

    If words are all we have, they will win.

    Its that simple.

  2. Manchin….doing the job repukelicans refuse to do….At least he’s pretending to anyway, which is more effort than the Rino’s can muster…they’re too busy scheming to block MAGA candidates from their club.

  3. Different Tim
    APRIL 2, 2022 AT 12:03 PM
    “But he’ll vote for Kataji Jackson”

    …you gots ta vote Black Woman or you be rayciss. You doan wana be raycis now, do ya?

  4. Sleazybag Joe Biden is behind much of the seks trafficking seen in which he has promoted all through his nasty and impotent career through present. None of his allowing in unvetted illegal intruders, including his planned scheme for Jennifer The Psad Psaki claim. The scheme is to allow for more humans to be trafficked into predator rings for sick entertainment and profits and house slaves for his elite associates, including more test subjects for Fauci Mengele and big pharma. They will rue the day they ever believed a word of the career liar and grifter Joe Biden.

  5. *(typo) None of his allowing in unvetted illegal intruders, including his planned scheme for Ukrainians, is ‘humanitarian’ as he and the Howdy-Doody lookalike Jennifer The Psad Psaki claim.

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