The Weakest Presidential Line Of Succession Ever – IOTW Report

The Weakest Presidential Line Of Succession Ever

As Vladimir Putin floats terrifying hints of Russia’s willingness to use nuclear weapons against countries that assist in Ukraine’s defense against Moscow’s brutal invasion, the United States is saddled with a president teetering on the brink of senility, and a woman one heartbeat away from the presidency who is as dependably incompetent as she is undependable in prepping herself on national and international issues.

Polling makes clear that the public is fully aware of, and disconcerted by, the alarming shortcomings of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris alike; but at the same time, there is little if any appreciation of the unprecedented vulnerability to the United States due to those further down in the line of succession. Old age, timidity, and lack of qualification abound among those who might be thrust into the job of most powerful individual on earth, charged with leading the free world.

On Saturday in a speech in Warsaw, Biden called for the end to Putin’s “for life” tenure as Kremlin premier, instantly sending the White House into a DEFCON 1 in crisis communications.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” the president exclaimed at the close of his remarks, apparently departing from the prepared text. read more

12 Comments on The Weakest Presidential Line Of Succession Ever

  1. @joe6pak April 2, 2022 at 4:10 pm

    > Every American should be embarrassed and ashamed of those that have been elected to represent us!

    Every American that claims these foreign invaders that rule us, should be ashamed, to claim they to be “American”.

  2. These are the self- described “adults in the room.” All these pols calling for removal from power, with implied force if/as required need to understand that the big finger of fate points all the way back at them. And if so, then no bitching about becoming statesmen aka dead pols.

  3. Forget his comments about Putin. He’s throwing open the Southern Border in just a few weeks. In come 500,000 illegals PER MONTH!

    That’s like a new congressional district every month. No jobs. No skills. No English. Little education. No money. No understanding of US culture. Totally dependent on welfare. No vetting.

    Just show up and come in. Pick up your check and get on the bus for the ride to the airport. There will be a free apartment, a prepaid unlimited debit card, and a friendly guide to show you how to apply for benefits and how to register to vote.

    That is a lot more important than Joe’s opinion about Putin.

  4. gonna be a hoot if Kammie & the jv cabinet decide to invoke the 25th Amendment

    (of course, we all know it will only be done if the New World Billionaires in Charge order it)

    it would really be funny if Biden (Dr. Jill, really) would step down because “… he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office”, making Kammie acting pResident
    buuuuuuuut, he can come back any time by (Dr. Jill) writing a letter to congress & chango-presto, he’s back as pResident!

    man, this will be the best theater ever!
    Nixon’s WaterWorldGate & the 2000 election will have nothing on this!

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