The law of unintended consequences comes for Disney – IOTW Report

The law of unintended consequences comes for Disney

American Thinker:
By Pandra Selivanov

Back in 1967, the Reedy Creek Improvement District agreement was created to lure Disney to Florida. The agreement allows the district governmental powers to facilitate recreational projects and tourism. Florida’s legislature felt that it would benefit the state if recreational organizations had the power to act as their own government in areas like property development, water control, public utilities, law enforcement, and fire protection. The mouse eagerly took the cheese, and today most of the land is owned by Walt Disney World. It’s been a pretty sweet deal for Disney, allowing the company to develop its own building codes and water systems. The agreement also contains language giving the district legal jurisdiction if later laws create conflict.

Now Florida legislators are threatening to pull those special privileges if Disney continues to strike at HB1557, a piece of legislation that has been dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” law. In reality, the only thing the legislation bans is teaching children from kindergarten through the third grade about sexual orientation and gender identity. Parents overwhelmingly support the new law, preferring to keep education on such topics for very young children in the home. Considering that Disney has always touted itself as a family-friendly company, it would seem a foregone conclusion that the company would be persuaded, or at least cautioned, by the wide support HB1557 has among its customer base. read more

39 Comments on The law of unintended consequences comes for Disney

  1. Everything woke turns to shit. – Donald Trump

    They’ve been arresting Disney pedophiles, including corporate employees, for a decade. This should not be a surprise to anybody but it seems a lot of people don’t care to look at the world past their front door…until it’s too late.

  2. The old Disney died with The Wonderful World Of Color back in the 60’s. I will never have anything to do with Disney ever again. That’s hard to do since they own ABC, ESPN (now E S Pee on everything good), they have destroyed Marvel and Star Wars etc. and are a total garbage network as far as I am concerned. They have killed the golden goose and called it good all in the name of progressivism. FUCK DISNEY and all the perverts who are behind the scenes promoting all this anti God/anti American progtard propaganda.

  3. One of the most annoying things is the usual legion of democrat morons calling the law the “Don’t Say Gay” law and absolutely refuse to read the law because they know it won’t say that and they really want it to because it makes conservatives look bad in their shitty, dick sucking democrat world. They literally don’t want to debate anything from a factual basis at all.

  4. I was born almost 3 years before the release of Star Wars. I was five when I first saw it (1979 re-release). It caught my imagination at just the right time. My favorite movie of all time.

    For years I flew my Star Wars flag. Even through the prequels from the 90s…on certain levels.

    It wasn’t until Disney took over that I became poisoned to it. To this day, The Force Awakens is the only movie I have ever walked out of the theater before the film was done. And I’ve sat through screenings of two Faces of Death movies 😆

    Disney has ruined my childhood, and I cannot forgive them. Fuck ’em. 🖕

  5. Disney also killed John Carter of Mars. And that very strange version of the Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp as Tonto. But at least they republished all of The John Carter books by Edgar Rice Burroughs of which I bought all of them. Disney could screw up a wet dream nowadays. Disney sucks!

  6. @JB Star Wars was everything when I was a kid. We’d write stories and draw ourselves as SW characters-long lost relatives to Leia, Luke or Han.

    My ears perked up and my brows furrowed when they decided after so many years we’d all being saying Leia and Han’s names wrong. A similar gif vs peanut butter debate.

    They created all the world we imagined as kids and ruined it with wokeness. Lectured at. Princess Leia was a strong woman. We knew that without being told so. Not good enough.

    SciFi GamerNerds took over the world of StarWars. Normal folks got kicked out of the fandom. All I can say is I/we were there at the beginning. We saw it first and that will always be special.

  7. My wife and I along with my sister in law watched Star Wars at a theater in the University district near the University of Washington in Seattle while on our honeymoon in Sept. of 1977. My wife and I had seen it before but what I remember most was a couple of gay guys making out in the dark while we were watching the movie, back when we could still call them queers.

  8. @Geoff Ugh! John Carter of Mars!!! I actually liked the movie and it was supposed to be a at least a trilogy. Disney marketing totally screwed it up. People didn’t know what the movie was-sci fi? Boy band? Aliens? I read the books in high school and remember the cover art.

    Plus, it starred “Tim Riggins” from Friday Night Lights. How could they screw that up? But Disney did.

  9. I used to work for Disney. I have my memories of a pretty cool place to work. I saw the culture from the inside. The gays were the uptight theater kids. Everything had to be PERFECT. They even had people at the front gates who would deny you entrance if you weren’t dressed appropriately.

    No idea how it went from benign fascism to gay totalitarianism.

  10. Pfft. Leia gave everybody medals except Chewbacca.

    Even as a kid I remember looking at the kids next to me in the theater and seeing the same look of WTF!?!?!? on their faces.

    It was all about Han Solo. Then, when Empire came out… entire theater exploded when Billy Dee showed up.

    At the time Luke was an annoying whiny kid and Leia was just a bitch. It wasn’t until she appeared in Blues Bothers that people really started to like her character.

  11. big Burroughs fan through the John Carter series … still have all the books w/ the Frank Frazzetta covers, even ‘Llana of Gathol’ … ‘John Carter of Mars’ was written by Burroughs’ son

    btw, ‘Star Wars’ wasn’t killed by Disney. it already died when Lucas killed the first trilogy w/ Father & Son reunion & dancing teddy bears … the ‘nail-in-the-coffon’ was the re-editing of ‘Hans shot first’ in the re-release
    we all know that Hans didn’t shoot first … Hans was the only one who shot, ffs!

  12. I was born in ’76. I remember Star Wars, and Mike Jackson, and boom boxes, and Miami Vice. I just didn’t think much about any of it. I thought the intro to Miami Vice was great, and I still do, but I don’t remember a single episode of it. I remember The A-Team episodes, and a bunch of Three Stooges shorts…

    Frankly I remember more of the “Crime Story” series.

    I don’t use a shoulder holster because of Miami Vice… I use one because Mike Torello kept putting a 1911 aimed at his balls in his waistband.


  13. JB ~ completely understand your pov … if I was 9 when I saw it, I would think dancing teddy bears overthrowing the Galactic Empire was completely logical

    … just like Princess Leia rising from the death of being jettisoned into space was completely logical … when she never showed any ability to harness the ‘Farce’ in any other episode … riiiiiiight

    seen better logic in original Star Trek episodes

  14. It was supposed to be Chewbaccas home planet until Lucas decided there was more money to be had with Ewok toys for kids.

    Chewbaccas planet would have made more sense….but would probably be too intense for kids…..was the logic behind the people who eventually decided to have Annakin wipe out a classroom of kidz.

    Anyway, the Bad News Bears was more influential and reflective of society than Star Wars. Also, Amanda Wurlitzer seemed obtainable. Whereas Leia is a princess….and kinda’ a bitch.

  15. Erik, in SoCal Thursday nights were the nights we went out. Because there were less crowds. Because everyone stayed home on Thursday nights to watch Miami Vice.

    100% True.

    I sorta’ think that’s where the tradition of Thursdays being “local night” at bars came from.

  16. MARCO

    Ive posted here many times how the Walt haters at Dis. tried to destroy him via a movie. /The movie asserted that a man Walt felt was an Amerian hero and a role model for all Americans was just like what former DCIA Dir. called Gov. Reagan o
    in 1079, “A xenophobic, white nationalist!”!

    The man DIS attacked in 1999 (hit the big screen in ’04) used to post here. Davy Crockette.

    I was happy tht the movie lost $millions!

    Same thing happened to Reagan /foundation 11 years ago. It hates Ronny.

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