Democrats Have Painted Themselves into a Corner – IOTW Report

Democrats Have Painted Themselves into a Corner

American Thinker:
By Ted Noel

As I watch the Hunter Biden saga unfold, I’m reminded of a dog my family had when I was in grade school. It was a beautiful Irish Setter, and it loved to chase the UPS truck… until one day it caught it.

You can finish the story for yourself.

The New York Post published the Hunter Biden laptop story a few weeks before the presidential election, and most people never heard about it because the Masters of The Universe deplatformed anyone who dared to post it. Various Russian assets in the “Intelligence” Community loudly declared that it was “Russian disinformation.” Drive-by Media talking heads called it “stolen.” Every effort was taken to bury it. And, for a while, “Hunter Biden” disappeared from public view. And his father assumed residence in the White House.

A few reports that the DOJ was questioning Hunter’s compliance with tax laws slipped out, but those were lost in the noise. Now something has changed. Special Prosecutor Durham has indicted some of the RussiaGate conspirators, and bits of that have slipped out into the public consciousness. And while Bumbling Joe continues to be propped up by the MSM, his “gaffes” are getting worse and worse. He seems to have forgotten that you don’t say the quiet part out loud, and some of his pronouncements are putting our allies into uncomfortable places. Circle-back Psaki has been forced into some improbably verbal gymnastics.

As the midterm elections approach, President Asterisk’s approval numbers continue to sink into the muck. The State of the Union Address didn’t provide the usual ratings bump. The war in Ukraine ought to improve his standing, but no positive effect is in sight. His popularity remains below that of Donald Trump at the same stage, but Trump was the victim of incessant false media attacks, while Brandon is constantly propped up. Democrat incumbents in formerly “safe” Democrat districts are worried about losing, and the Screech Patrol led by Princess Pelosi are bemoaning the “death of democracy” should Republicans use democratic processes to take back the House and Senate. read more

9 Comments on Democrats Have Painted Themselves into a Corner

  1. The article assumes that the democrats play by the rules. They haven’t, they won’t and they’ve got big tech and big media still very much on their side. We laughed at Joey hiding out in his basement and he’s in the Oval Office. We thought we had the last one in the bag but we didn’t.

    They have a plan, they aren’t going to share this one. Are we being lulled into a sense of complacency? I’d give that a resounding yes.

  2. The democrats have pretty much painted the entire country into a corner, and the mostly worthless piece of shit GOP either helps them or does nothing to stop them. And all the mechanisms put in place by that scumbag Zuckerberg to steal the 2020 elections can and will still be in place in 2024.

  3. yeah the old “corner” As if.

    Unless the couple dozen possible new members of the House like Laura Loomer or Joe Kent or Vernon Jones(love this dude) hook up with MTG & Gaetz and raise fucking bloody murder with Kevin McCarthy, nothing will change. NOTHING…except my blood pressure.

  4. At least 60% of Americans now believe Trump won 2020. Nothing has been done about it outside some very revealing audits and presentations. Virtually no state has ensured the next election will be fair. In Texas our primary last month was a mess. I would bet come November many elections will look like republicans won and over the following days and weeks more votes will show up just like what happened in VA and NJ. And really unless we get real MAGA candidates into office what difference do most republicans and democrats have anymore.

  5. @mystaclean April 3, 2022 at 12:21 pm

    > The article assumes that the democrats play by the rules.

    What “Rules(TM)”? Who wrote them? And who do they apply to?
    (Subject to change, without notice.)

    Wherewithal of superior firepower is all that accounts.

    Squealers of “The Rules(TM)” are only human shields. To down some of the firepower of those that call us “enemy”.

    Now. Stand up and squeal, an hero! Destiny(TM) moans for you.

  6. Stolen elections have consequences. If non-communists do not win an enormous landslide midterm event we will know it is all over for the voting program. Even a modest win will signal the end of voting as a useful tool for change. The destruction the democrats have achieved is entirely too comprehensive to allow any but a token number to attain or retain office.

  7. Democrats don’t paint.
    They Pick up Mexicans at Home Depot, Pay Under the Table Cash, Criticize them, & Pat themselves on the back for “Helping”.

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