Since when did journalists become such babies? – IOTW Report

Since when did journalists become such babies?

American Thinker:
By Thomas Buckley

Taylor Lorenz is a child.

The person who calls herself a reporter has – yet again – publicly demanded that people be nice to her.  And, sadly, it seems that some other people are taking her demands seriously, or at least some “news” humans on MSNBC — here she is explaining how “horrifying” the experience of being a reporter is.

Being mean-tweeted at is a far cry from good old-fashioned reporter-threatening.  For example, after a story I wrote (I was an actual newspaper reporter when actual newspapers were still a thing) appeared concerning a local businessman, he left a message on my voicemail in which he, after disparaging my mother’s character and questioning her choice of personal associations, threatened to kill me.  And he unquestionably had the temperament and means to do so. read more

15 Comments on Since when did journalists become such babies?

  1. Journalism no longer comes from the Grand Old Lady, from CNN, from ABC. It comes from the trenches, via Spotify, Twitter, Facebook, etc., etc. And it is visceral, and you can’t take anything at face value but have to compare to conflicting news. Because the truth is fragile, and people are trying to take advantage of it and of you every day. So you can either ignore the news or you can digest it carefully and skeptically, finding those you trust to be truthful. And sharing your own truth and information with those interested in learning.

  2. Don’t like the blowback? Then leave the profession. Get another job. I’m sure there are many other jobs out there more suited to your talents and temprement. Such as “street walker”, “hooker”, or good old fashioned “whore”.

  3. KJB
    Psa_59:12  For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.

  4. This dumb bitch has doxxed people and sent the cancel mob after people, including minors. She can eat a whole bag of dicks. Salty Cracker absolutely roasted her on youtube. I would post a link, but not sure if that will send me to comment purgatory or not.

  5. PTSD?!?! She claims she has PTSD from people being mean to her?! Boo f++kin’ hoo! I can’t wait to see her curl into a fetal ball and have a total nervous breakdown when she is shot at, shot, and had explosives go off next to her. What a self-entitled fragile f++kin’ flower.

  6. That’s pretty much definitive of this latter generation.
    Which is why they need “safe spaces” and constraints on speech. They’re offended by whatever they’re told to be offended by and can’t function in real-world type scenarios.
    Mostly bullies who have never had their asses whipped.

    She can’t bear “mean” tweets?
    How would she stand up to pain?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Typical the victimizer cries victim when she gets the smallest taste of what she doles out regularly often to children. These aren’t journalists, they are activists.

  8. “She claims she has PTSD from people being mean to her?!”

    But everyone’s supposed to pretend that she’s just as tough as a man?
    Sorry, baby girl, you just set FemiNazism back 30 years.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Lorenz is an uber-cunt from hell. And she’s one of the few journalists out there who have truly deserved the honor of being tossed out a window from the high floor; just so she won’t hurt anymore average people with her fucking lies and doxing.

  10. Journalism is not dead, nor will it ever die! Common sense & decency is definitely losing ground, being tossed to the wayside because of ideals & beliefs some want to thrust upon others.


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