Donald Trump endorses Sarah Palin for Alaska representative – IOTW Report

Donald Trump endorses Sarah Palin for Alaska representative

Just The News: Former President Donald Trump on Sunday endorsed former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in her bid to succeed the late Rep. Don Young in the U.S. House.

“Sarah shocked many when she endorsed me very early in 2016, and we won big. Now, it’s my turn!” Trump wrote in a statement published by his spokesperson Liz Harrington.

He called Palin a “wonderful patriot” and a “true
America First fighter.”

Trump said that she “has been a champion for Alaska values, Alaska energy, Alaska jobs, and the great people of Alaska.”

Palin announced her campaign for the House on Friday. She served as governor of Alaska from 2006 to 2009 and ran as candidate for vice president in Arizona Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. read more

18 Comments on Donald Trump endorses Sarah Palin for Alaska representative

  1. No shock there. I like Sarah and have attended her rallies. The liberals tore her apart during the McCain-Palin run. Hate and rage is what they’re about.

  2. Her VP acceptance speech still ranks as one of my all time favs. For some reason, her teleprompter broke about 2 minutes into it(gee, imagine that) and she winged the whole thing.

    Go back sometime and watch it keeping that in mind.

    And McCain almost immediately threw her under the bus. WTF?

    If she ran with Trump, goodness, that hadn’t occurred to me, it’d be fantastic.

  3. The fact that McCain picked her is worrisome though. His job was to lose to Black Jeebus, so he either picked her to piss people off, or because he thought she was a traitor like him.

    The first one is OK.

    The second one could mean another Murkowski.

  4. I loved her VP acceptance speech. She is nothing like McCain. She is solid MAGA, but a bit hard to take seriously after her stupid TV show (forget what it was called).

  5. @ SNS

    McStain needed no help to lose to Obola. If he was looking for a fellow traitor for his VP, he should have chosen Rhino Lisa. Just another example of McStain’s bad judgement. I thought at the time it was also bad judgement on Palin’s part to accept the VP slot but I don’t hold that against her. No matter who represents me, they’re going to do something I don’t like.

    Frank Murkowski did neither Alaska nor the nation any favor when he appointed his spawn to the Senate so he didn’t have to deal with her in the Alaska Legislature. It’s a case of the road apple falling directly under the tree.

  6. The thing is mob, if McCain had run hard with Palin like he should have instead of the mealy mouth campaign he ran and at the same time letting Sarah get savaged, he’d actually might have pulled it off. She was rockin’ crowds at the time.

    Now whether or not we were better off Obama winning(I know) is another tale but don’t forget that when it came to war mongering, old Johnny was the champ.

    Sometimes I believe we might have been better off had Gore won because W sure left a shitbag legacy. He got crap enacted into law that would never would have flown had Gore been behind it(I think)

  7. From what I am reading, there are 51 candidates running to fill that seat. That’s one crowded race.
    I have no idea about most of the candidates in this race, and while I had some questions about some of her decisions in the past, but I know Sarah Palin is a certified conservative, and a good person in general. Good luck to Sarah, I hope she would be elected.

  8. Dan W: Tina Fey would have been reduced to a trivia question answer had it not been for her snarky impression of Sarah. As a result, she became the darling of the left, and received far more acclaim and job offers from the Hollywood left, than her mediocre talent warranted.

    Also, Sarah on her worst day is at least 6 points better looking than Tina on her best.


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