I was fired for a joke about Kamala Harris’ outfit – IOTW Report

I was fired for a joke about Kamala Harris’ outfit

Spectator World:
Amber Athey-

I am no stranger to cancel culture — or what we know more commonly (and accurately, in my opinion) as censorship.

When I was one of a handful of conservatives on a liberal college campus, my peers on the left reported me to our resident advisor for “creating an unsafe environment” and demanded the administration step in to cancel speaker events I hosted through the College Republicans. They later would ask the university to revoke my degree. Throughout my six years as a political journalist and commentator, left-wing activists have tried every trick in the book to drive me out of the industry: digging up old tweets, demeaning my appearance and harassing my employers.

None of it has worked… until now.

About a month ago today, I posted a tweet during the State of the Union address poking fun at Vice President Kamala Harris’s outfit. Harris wore a chocolate brown business suit that was panned on social media — some users compared her to a Hershey’s chocolate bar, while others wondered why she wore the same color as her chair. I went for a UPS joke, featuring the company’s now retired slogan:

“Kamala looks like a UPS employee — what can brown do for you? Nothing good, apparently.”

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11 Comments on I was fired for a joke about Kamala Harris’ outfit

  1. WMAL has been going downhill since they ‘retired’ Andy Parks & then dumped Fred Grandy because he defended his wife.

    love Chris Plante & Bongino, but O’Conner is a vain ass that always yammers on about his ‘beautiful, younger wife … (proof that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, for sure!) he’s always endorsing hair plugs, ED medicine & youth serum. the rest is just a mess … rarely listen anymore … don’t need 3 minutes of commentary interrupted by 6 minutes of commercials

  2. Kamala working for UPS? That’s funny, ’cause in college they called her FEDEX because when she went out with a guy she was absolutely guaranteed to be there over night


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