During Victory Speech Hungarian Prime Minister Orban Warns Citizens of Western Alliance About Zelenskyy Role Advancing New World Order – IOTW Report

During Victory Speech Hungarian Prime Minister Orban Warns Citizens of Western Alliance About Zelenskyy Role Advancing New World Order

The citizens of Hungary have again dealt a massive blow to the globalist movement, the new world order and the newly created autocracy of western leaders selling the “new democratic norm.”  As an example, the Associated Press [article here] spins the overwhelming reelection of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban as a major setback to the western alliance.

Within the statements reported from his victory speech, Orban also warned citizens of the NATO and western allied countries about the manipulation of Ukraine and how he views the Zelenskyy regime: more

12 Comments on During Victory Speech Hungarian Prime Minister Orban Warns Citizens of Western Alliance About Zelenskyy Role Advancing New World Order

  1. You’ve got to give credit to the Hungarians! They are among the very few that are standing up as a nation to support freedom. It’s a tough world out there right now! I wish I was part Hungarian!

  2. Z also engages in ‘race-cleansing’, that is, the annihilation of ethnicities living in the Ukraine. That he forbids black, muslim, and indian students from boarding transportation out when the invasion started is one major reason why Joe Biden and the democrat party which created the kaykaykay from the jump have aligned with Z and globalist collaborators–all of which msm-corporate media and gullible conservative media outlets hide.

  3. All the elites jumping on the Ukraine Train to support them, but remember when they jumped on the BLM wagon, throwing money at it hand over fist. And where is that money now? Used to buy real estate and Cadillacs no doubt. He’s right. Beware the Ukraine grift.

  4. Until strong evidence to the contrary arises, hard and fast opposition to all government and media narratives is the wise choice. A bucket of week old fish heads has more appeal.

  5. After I penned my missive at 8:36 am I saw over at Breitbart an article that said blm (burn, loot murder) purchased a $6,000,000 mansion in Southern California and wanted to keep it secret. Who knows how many more there are.


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