FBI Seizes $90 Million Yacht Owned By Putin Ally Viktor Vekselberg In Spain – IOTW Report

FBI Seizes $90 Million Yacht Owned By Putin Ally Viktor Vekselberg In Spain

Breaking911: WASHINGTON (DOJ) – Spanish law enforcement today executed a Spanish court order freezing the Motor Yacht (M/Y) Tango (the Tango), a 255-foot luxury yacht owned by sanctioned Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.

Spanish authorities acted pursuant to a request from the U.S. Department of Justice for assistance following the issuance of a seizure warrant, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, which alleged that the Tango was subject to forfeiture based on violation of U.S. bank fraud, money laundering, and sanction statutes. Separately, seizure warrants obtained in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia target approximately $625,000 associated with sanctioned parties held at nine U.S. financial institutions. Those seizures are based on sanctions violations by several Russian specially designated nationals.

According to documents filed in this case, the U.S. investigation alleges that Vekselberg bought the Tango in 2011 and has owned it continuously since that time. It further alleges that Vekselberg used shell companies to obfuscate his interest in the Tango to avoid bank oversight into U.S. dollar transactions related thereto. Additionally, after Vekselberg was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department on April 6, 2018, the warrant alleges that Vekselberg and those working on his behalf continued to make U.S. dollar payments through U.S. banks for the support and maintenance of the Tango and its owners, including a payment for a December 2020 stay at a luxury water villa resort in the Maldives and mooring fees for the yacht. Vekselberg had an interest in these payments and therefore a license was required from the Treasury Department, which was not obtained. more here

23 Comments on FBI Seizes $90 Million Yacht Owned By Putin Ally Viktor Vekselberg In Spain

  1. I think they’re seizing it so they can burn all evidence of the pedo parties and gambling and prostitution that occurs on it with all manner of elites. And hey, what the hell… FREE BOAT! I’m sure Biden, Obama, and others will have a blast on it with prostitutes, gambling, and kiddy diddlers.

  2. And here we go. Again. I loathe the FBI/DOJ, no matter who is President. They serve only the Depp State:

    “Vekselberg’s name may sound familiar, as he’s long been embroiled in Trump World. He attended Trump’s inauguration in January of 2017, and from then until August of 2017 sent several payments totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars to Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney and fixer, through a company called Columbus Nova. Vekselberg also attended a 2015 dinner in Russia with Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser who resigned after just weeks on the job after it came to light that he lied about post-election conversations with Russia’s ambassador to the United States. The dinner Flynn attended with Vekselberg was hosted by RT, Russia’s English-language, Kremlin-controlled media network.“


    I am worried that candidate Trump will be able to put together a campaign team, much less a cabinet if he wins again. These evil Deep State f—kers have no limits.

  3. You know, it would be sad, if the federal capital of every United Nations recognized, entity, were nuked when they act, because the Federal reserve sends them a Post-It.

  4. @Ed357 April 5, 2022 at 10:26 am

    > central bank digital currency and id’s are a no-go for me…

    “Central” (anything) should always be the poison pill.
    (lookin’ at you anycoin)

    But… before we had the… global… inter… net, we had puters.
    (and onions on our belts)

  5. “sanctioned Russian Oligarch”. Sanction: threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule. I’d like to know what law he broke. The law against being Russian these days?

    The gov’t took his yacht. This is theft of private property. It is not right.

  6. @Lip… “See war crimes don’t pay.”

    I guess you didn’t bother to read it. Then again, you call yourself “Lip”, not “Eye”…

    “…alleged that the Tango was subject to forfeiture based on violation of U.S. bank fraud, money laundering, and sanction statutes.”

  7. Lots of governments in lots of countries had opportunities to seize his yacht long before this, due to “…violation of U.S. bank fraud, money laundering, and sanction statutes”, if, in fact he did all those things. So phony.

    Why seize it now? This stinks. It would stink as much if they seized a kids tricycle. I conclude that it will be interpreted by the media as helping Ukraine in its war with Russia. Yeah, they think we are so dumb we can’t discern what they are really doing. It’s all to impress liberals and stupidos that Biden is tough on Putin. And the seizure won’t help Ukraine as far as I can tell.

  8. The only thing that would have helped Ukraine is US and NATO military intervention. But that was never going to happen, never will happen, and I’ll eat my shorts if it does.

    When Putin gets what he wants, a couple chunks of eastern Ukraine, and exits, the media will say Ukraine kicked Russia’s ass. Bullshit. Then, in less than a year, they’ll praise Putin for not starting WWIII.

    That’s the signal for all of us to fall in line and forgive and forget about Putin, and Xi as well. Hey, it’s One World and we all have to fight Global Warming together, including Russia and China. I think China has already been cleared to Take Taiwan. Given the Ukraine situation, does anyone with a brain think we’re going to try to stop China from grabbing Taiwan?

    The media pumps out food for deluded liberal brains. Believe nothing the media wants you to believe.

  9. @fnuck, son of fnord

    Your ramblings don’t make much sense. Like your name. OK, take away the “n”, and what’s left is fuck, son of ford.

    Onions on the belt? What does that mean?

    What the hell you talkin’ bout, son?


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