Hunter Biden sought to cash in with oligarchs during first Russian war on Ukraine, records show – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden sought to cash in with oligarchs during first Russian war on Ukraine, records show

“This is a good if not life changing deal if the Uk[raine] doesn’t collapse in the meantime,” Hunter Biden was told in spring 2014 email after Russia had invaded Ukraine the first time.

Just The News:

In the shadows of Russia’s first invasion of Ukraine in 2014, Hunter Biden and his business partners embarked on an aggressive campaign to score millions of dollars in “life changing” business with oligarchs in both countries who had an interest in his father’s policymaking business, according to emails and court records obtained by Just the News.

President Joe Biden’s son and his associates targeted Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina — who eventually was sanctioned by the U.S. a few years later in 2018 — for as much as $200 million after helping her get a bank account set up in America, the emails show.

Hunter Biden and his associates even arranged for Baturina and her husband, an ex-Moscow mayor, to meet with then-Vice President Joe Biden at an intimate dinner in Washington in 2015.

At the same time he and his team courted Baturina, Hunter Biden was securing lucrative board positions and consulting deals with Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, a man whose company, Burisma Holdings, the United States and Great Britain wanted investigated for corruption. more

3 Comments on Hunter Biden sought to cash in with oligarchs during first Russian war on Ukraine, records show

  1. what’s the over/under that pResident Pedo Paws is gone before/after the mid-terms?

    my money’s on after … can’t let Kammie have only one term, after all
    (unless the person pResident Knee Pads picks as VP is the ‘viable candidate’ that the powers-that-be really want as figurehead)

  2. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – I think it might be before. I think they’re trying to distance themselves from this grinning imbecile. They’ve got their use out of him ini destroying the country, now they have to make it look like they want to make things better for the mid-terms. The only real question is: are they going to pull one ejection seat handle or two?


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