Bringing in Obama was a serious miscalculation – IOTW Report

Bringing in Obama was a serious miscalculation

Patriot Retort: Team Biden thought they came up with a genius idea to try and boost Joe Biden’s cratering approval numbers by bringing Barack Obama back to the White House, and boy, was it a serious miscalculation.

This was an even bigger miscalculation than the time the Hillary campaign had their candidate share a stage with Beyonce and Jay Z. And, honey. That was a really bad miscalculation.

If your guy is deeply unpopular, the last thing you want to do is put a wildly popular person beside him. Especially if that wildly popular person is a self-centered narcissistic attention hog like Barack Obama.

Obama’s presence didn’t help make Joe more popular. Instead, it only further diminished the already-diminished old man.

Honestly, how could they not noodle that out in advance?

I don’t know. When I first read that the White House was bringing Obama off the bench, the first thought that popped into my head was, “Man, what a stupid idea!”

Watch these two videos:

36 Comments on Bringing in Obama was a serious miscalculation

  1. Actually, I think They Tried this as a way to remind/trick undecideds that This Is Still The Party Of Barack.

    Believe me, the CNN voters were cracking out their vibrators after seeing Barky. They didn’t even notice the Bed Pisser in Chief.



  3. “Wildly popular”? Remember, this asshole moved the nation to vote Donald Trump in against everyone the swamp threw against him. Obama may be ‘wildly popular’ in useful idiot circles like the scum currently packed in the White House, but he’s still hated, and couldn’t get 1000 people in an auditorium if his life depended on it.

  4. In conclusion, the people that lap up obozo, think less of biden*
    The rest of us detest both of them vehemently

    Maybe they should have had Kamallallala doing sign language (like that crazy african dood at Mandela’s funeral)

  5. Obama has been forced to bite his tongue on the whole “81,000,000 votes, way moar than even Obama” bullshit. That’s a helluva lot to ask of a vain, preening narcissist. Biden is lucky he’s still alive, much less still President. I really think Obama hates him more than he hates Trump.

    Trump fixed so many of Barky’s screwups, and then Biden screwed up so many of Trump’s fixes, that everybody in that room has forgotten just how wretched the Barky administration was.

  6. The Big Guy looked small and lost. The Magic Negro was overly animated and acted like he’s had no one to talk in years.

    Americans were reminded once again that nothing is right in Camelot.

  7. Obama care is three times more expensive than it was when it was passed. Plus there still is 30 million uninsured Americans. So basically…IT DIDN’T DO SHIT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Yes, Tucker, I have seen many “sadder” things than a demented, old, pedophile wandering aimlessly in a sea of America hating elitists.
    Human trafficking, Child prostitution, transgendered three year olds, Muslim honor killings, . . .

  9. Zippy’s “a wildly popular person”?

    With whom, besides Commies?

    PS I see Jeffery’s still trying to push the line Zippy’s better liked than The Donald. In his dreams.

  10. Obongo never had an original thought in his life. Probably one of the most stupid ‘men’ to occupy the WH. I’m sure he was only there for the gay square dance yesterday. As an aside, did you ever notice that leftists have terrible personal hygiene and some noticable genetic defects?

  11. 81 million PLUS! Really triggers some people knowing he is hated this much. Hatred that has even gotten stronger & he helps it all the time, opening his mouth & inserting his foot. Obama on the other hand appreciates all your love knowing the fact he has been living in your head, year after year, rent free.

  12. There was no miscalculation by the WH. Everybody in the circle knows the Obama cabal is making all the moves. This was to put Obama on center stage to let everyone know that this is Obamas party.
    Since when has a former prez come back to the WH to prop up a sitting president and make a sales pitch about the formers signature legislation?
    This whole thing was bizarre

  13. Wow – in a room filled with a-holes, Obama came off as the chief a-hole. Whatever they think, it was not a good look.

    As much as Barky loved showing Dementia Joe zero respect – calling him Vice President and then deliberately ignoring the pants pooping, groping, sniffing, lying, plagiarizing, corrupt, weirdo showering dad and all round creep Joey Baby, the whisperer-in-chief, it still showed Obama’s true nasty self.

    Too bad Doctor Lady MacBiden was not on hand to witness Joey’s humiliation in person.

  14. 81 million plus for a “JOBS is a three letter word”, “This is a big fukin deal”, “Stand up Chuck”, “You ain’t Black”, “Lying dog-faced pony soldier”, “Clap for that, you stupid bastards”, “You’re full of shit”, “I don’t work for you”, “my favorite flavor is synonym”, “trunalimunumaprzure” word-botching, money-laundering, demented, muttering, stuttering, mumblin, stumblin, bumbling, bragging Jackass that even HIS OWN PEOPLE CAN’T STAND TO BE AROUND 15 months later! Tell me again how the election was fair and square Chis Wallace!

  15. Back last Fall I said: Here’s a grinning imbecile that not even Karl Childers wants to be associated with who loves to drink, tell off-color dwarf jokes, give dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity, can’t count past three and loves playing mumbly-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds whose age shot past his IQ 25 years ago… putting him somewhere between “idiot” and “moron”! After almost five decades of treading water the only way this moron was going to get ahead was by cheating, stealing and selling country down the river for his own personal gain which included the help from his whole entire family of liars, grifters, cheaters, pervs. I give ’em six months before they pack this compromised asshole back up in his shipping crate and strap him down like the unsecured load that he really is!

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