Report: New CNN Boss Calls Stelter a ‘Cancer’ – IOTW Report

Report: New CNN Boss Calls Stelter a ‘Cancer’

Western Journal-

The boss of CNN’s incoming parent company is taking aim at Brian Stelter.

John Malone, the biggest shareholder of Discovery, harshly criticized Stelter in an informal meeting of the company’s executives, according to a report.

Discovery is completing a merger with WarnerMedia, CNN’s current parent company.

Media reporter and former Washington Examiner editor Jon Nicosia broke news of Malone’s words for Stelter on Tuesday.

Malone ripped Stelter as a “cancer,” criticizing his close relationship with disgraced former CNN president Jeff Zucker and accusing his show of being a failure, according to Nicosia. read more

15 Comments on Report: New CNN Boss Calls Stelter a ‘Cancer’

  1. Oftentimes when cancer is removed, they take the lymph nodes. I might also suggest the removal of these lymph nodes: Don Lemon, Jim Acosta… you fill in the rest. I can’t even stand to type all their names.

  2. Kcir – I think you are correct. I saw that one of Chris’ first interviews was with Fauxi and they blamed Trump for everything. For those who weren’t completely sure that Chris was a dem shill in the 2020 debates…


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