New 2020 election info from Arizona AG – IOTW Report

New 2020 election info from Arizona AG

Mark Brnovich


I just dropped off our initial review of the 2020 election audit to President Fann. We can report that there are problematic system-wide issues that relate to early ballot handling and verification.

The article and report are at this LINK

6 Comments on New 2020 election info from Arizona AG

  1. The FORENSIC audit of Maricopa County found over 54,000 ballots that for various reasons and there were about 15 like mailed from the wrong address, deceased, voted in multiple counties, multiple ballots returned by the same voter…which should have eliminated those ballots and didn’t were more than 5x the “winning” margin Biden had to take AZ. And that was 1 county in AZ.

    It was a forensic audit, every ballot was scrutinized and what was done when irrefutable proof was presented to TPTB in AZ? It was pooh-poohed and dropped into the memory hole.

    Instead of arresting some low hanging fruit, maybe use some of the geo data that Dinesh used in 2,000 Mules, and sweating them, gradually working your way up the organizational chart, not a fucking thing was done other than obfuscate.

    And here we are talking about voting our way out of this nightmare in Nov…

    I saw Jovan do a presentation of vote counts. He picked dozens of random counties across the nation and every one had the identical bumps in vote tally counts as the evening progressed. This fraud is so pervasive there is no chance, using the same methods & machines, that the thieves will not use even more sophisticated algorithms this time around.


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