No thanks. I ate before I came over. 😳 – IOTW Report

No thanks. I ate before I came over. 😳

h/t Doc.

30 Comments on No thanks. I ate before I came over. 😳

  1. If it’s brown flush it down. There’s death in that refrigerator with no name given for the cause of death. Remember that kid who had his legs and hands amputated after he ate Chinese food that’s been left out? This is no different – worse probably.

  2. Reminds me of getting a call to find a smelly dead rat in a townhouse. Yeah, I have a glamorous job.

    It was a stomach-turning smell as I walked into the place.

    After looking in both attics that were entirely clean of death odors, I started looking for the room that smelled the worst and then trying to find the stinkiest spot in that room. I was thinking something large must have died in a wall at this point. No single dead rat smells that much.

    It was a stand-up freezer that had stopped working a good while earlier.

    It held one very large, formerly frozen, and deteriorating turkey.

    I had my respirator to save my nose as I put it in a trash bag to take it out. Disposable gloves were disposed of immediately

    So thankful it was trash day the next day.

    The fresh lettuce tells me this is a currently used fridge. I’m pretty sure mold is all we are looking at – like that isn’t enough to lose your appetite. But I’ve seen many a place just like this one.

    He probably has a strict schedule for cleaning it out. Like, as soon as it stops working. Whatever year that is.

  3. Shelves are sagging, preparing to collapse. Standby for a call to the local Hazmat Team.

    Tape-up the fridge, carefully wheel it on a flat dolly, then tip it gingerly into a pickup truck and take it to the dump. Hire Samoans if necessary to lift it.

  4. Before we were married, my wife saw a lime in my refrigerator and asked me to make her a Gin and Tonic. I told her I didn’t have a lime. She told me to take a look, and then I informed her that WASN’T a lime but it was in it’s past life a Cantaloupe!

  5. Have two friends like that. One is in a wheelchair so I clean his fridge.

    I don’t know why….bastard is already at fridge level…..

    The other one has a hellacious home life. Least I can do is to help him out with his kitchen. Usually I get his kids to help. It’s a foreign concept to them.

  6. Helacious home life…… had his bike kicked over and smashed with a metal bat because she found an OLD phone from before they were married and found pics.

    Hilarious……but super expensive.


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