NY State Supreme Court Judge John Michalski dies by suicide after agents raid his home – IOTW Report

NY State Supreme Court Judge John Michalski dies by suicide after agents raid his home

Yahoo– New York State Supreme Court Justice John Michalski, whose home was searched by federal agents and state police last month while he was questioned about his relationship to a person involved in a federal prosecution, died by suicide on Tuesday, the New York Times reported.

Judge Michalski, 61, was found deceased at his home in Amherst, NY shortly before noon, the lawyer Terrence Connors told The Times.

“It’s difficult to explain what a tragedy this is … it would be difficult to find a judge who was more respected,” in the Western New York legal community, Mr Connors, a longtime friend of the justice, told The Times.

The Times reported that the local police in Amherst were unable to provide information about Judge Michalski on Tuesday, but as of early Wednesday a spokesperson for the state court system told the outlet that police had confirmed his death.

The death of the 61-year-old judge arrives a little more than year after he was struck by a freight train at a rail yard near Buffalo, which prompted a leave of absence that he only returned from back from in January 2022 after the State Office of Court Administration reinstated him. read more

24 Comments on NY State Supreme Court Judge John Michalski dies by suicide after agents raid his home

  1. “The death of the 61-year-old judge arrives a little more than year after he was struck by a freight train at a rail yard near Buffalo, ”

    This is going to be a bitchen made for TV movie. I can’t wait.

  2. Wasn’t Hillary a senator from New York, with a history of at least one “friend” committing “suicide” by shooting himself in the back of his own head? Twice?

    Asking for a friend btw.

  3. What was he doing in a freight yard? Was he a hobo on weekends? Maybe fellow weekend hobo John Roberts had a seizure, and Michalski was helping him off the tracks.

  4. …this will say USSC Chief Justice Roberts in a few months if he refuses to hand the chief job to the Black doesn’t know if she’s a woman.

    He won’t be missed, but they’ll find someone worse.


  5. I find it odd I have looked at 4 bio pages and not one of them indicated what party he was in.

    These pages seemed to be neutral and not partisan, so what gives?

  6. His paln of suicide by train didn’t work. Perhaps a better method would have yielded a better outcome. Any failure, including attempted suicide by train, can be attributed to one of the 6 M’s according to the Six Sigma way of analyzing failures.

    Machine: nope, train wasn’t hurt
    Mother Nature: had nothing to do with it.
    Method: possibly
    Materials: assuming the train and rails were in good working order, no
    Manpower: not a factor, he was alone
    Measurement: the investigation concluded no suicide happened in the train encounter. The measurement worked. It is not a factor.

    The only explanation is failure of method or not utilizing the proper method of train suicide. If only someone had coached him in the principles of Six Sigma, he could have been a very successful self-murderer. Instead, he was a big fat failure.

    More than likely, his method consisted of jumping back at the last moment, resulting in the failure of the plan. Failing to carry through at a critical moment is bane of many a failed project.

  7. He had a very nicely shaped noggin to pass on to future generations. Why did he throw it all away?

    Inspectuer Clouseau of the Western NY State Police: Eet ees a meestairie.

  8. No great loss – either Arkancided or suicided.
    A fukkin “judge” … a politically-connected shyster … meh …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Tim Buktu
    APRIL 8, 2022 AT 11:52 PM

    The Arkansaw Assassin must have at least 25 notches on her broom. Mostly men in all probability, maybe a couple of women.”

    …you’re a little, like, way too low, she’s quite a bit more killier than that and she’sadded immensely to her body count since then, and there may be entire wars she’s caused as well so give the witch some REAL credit, she’s killed more people than Coof ever actually did, and even Coof may have been invented by Fachi to impress Hillary as well…



  10. I had no idea that three shots to the back of the head while hanging from a rafter with one’s hands tied behind one’s back was such a common method of suicide until the last 5 years.


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