Missouri Supreme Court orders St. Louis DA Kim Gardner to turn over Soros-related communications – IOTW Report

Missouri Supreme Court orders St. Louis DA Kim Gardner to turn over Soros-related communications


ST. LOUIS, MO- George Soros-funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has been ordered by the Missouri Supreme Court to turn over all communications with George Soros-related operatives and other political insiders relative to her false case against former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens, Gateway Pundit reports.

The ruling comes after reporter John Solomon of Just The News filed a FOIA request for information on Gardner’s communications with political insiders and Soros-related operatives.

The order comes on the heels of a misconduct probe filed against Gardner for illicit conduct in relation to a scheme to take down Greitens. Last year, a court found Gardner had engaged in 62 acts of misconduct and 79 false representations in her prosecution of Greitens, the outlet said. continued

16 Comments on Missouri Supreme Court orders St. Louis DA Kim Gardner to turn over Soros-related communications

  1. She was re-elected. Same qualifications the big guy had for the supreme court. All this went down before she was re-elected with three quarters of the votes in 2020. She’s done nothing but the opposite of law and order. Dominion stuff or is the voting public of St. Louis this foolish? Soros gets some of the blame but how can anyone vote for her?

  2. MildredLucille: ” Soros gets some of the blame but how can anyone vote for her?”

    Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of the electorate? Dominion knows.

  3. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that anyone can have upwards of half a million emails on their laptop pertaining to a given subject. And 80,000 images associated with pornography. Please, someone explain to me how a person can generate that much stuff on their computer and do anything else in an average day. And what about THOUSANDS OF HOURS of video taken at the capitol on January 6th by the gov’t? How many video cameras are installed there?!

    Does it seem as though anyone in this country can do anything without leaving a colossal vapor trail of personal information?

  4. Here’s another one:
    “Needless to say, a turnover rate exceeding 100% in a four-year period is a concerning benchmark.”
    LOL. The writer of this article is hilarious, intentional or not.

  5. Sometimes your hands get a little dirty going after the bad guys. St. Louis, shes’s just another sister in the hood. Who says they don’t take care of their own.

  6. Yeah I bet they play hell trying to get any records they got rid of them a long time ago.I hope that John Solomon keeps digging there is something mighty stinky here. Soros ought to be put out of business one way or another this guy thinks he owns the world and he just about does I just can not understand why this guy gets by with what he is about.


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