Liz Cheney Says She Has Enough To Arrest Trump For Criminal Parading! – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney Says She Has Enough To Arrest Trump For Criminal Parading!

She doesn’t. The Salty Cracker explains why.
*Some spicy language*

30 Comments on Liz Cheney Says She Has Enough To Arrest Trump For Criminal Parading!

  1. Not only not serious, Loco, we are DANGEROUS.

    The shit’s in the air everywhere tonight.

    Get your gardens planted, connect with local farmers for eggs and meat and whatever else you’re going to need.

    Shanghai is coming here…

  2. She and her dad are, and have been for 50 years, Bush Republicans. Bush Clan hates conservatives. For that reason ALL BUSH REPUBLICANS HATE CONSERVATIVES. She knows that the Bush friends in LSM will repeat her lies. So many people will believe her lies.

    Telling lies about conservatives as “news” has been SOP for “The Press” for 70 years. Latest, prior to this, was the smear of Justice Thomas 2 and 3 weeks ago.
    “Tell a lie loud enough and often enough ….”!

  3. Wilhelm Bierbauch
    APRIL 12, 2022 AT 1:58 AM
    “I can’t wait until the Wyoming voters send this witch packing.”

    Not gonna happen, sport.

    And if you ask me hiw I know, I’ll sue you.


  4. If they actually had something they would have orchestrated a midnight FBI raid on Mara Lago with media in tow already.
    They still think they can scare the voters into looking for another candidate.
    Preferably Mike Pence or Pierre Delecto.

    Salty is right, they’re just ticking us off.

    I can’t imagine being like Lizzy. Going on national tv (even CNN) lying my face off while knowing voters aren’t buying it.

    Loved the Miss Piggy

  5. STFU Liz…put some money where your mouth yapps. How about you put him in jail on your claim or you give up politics forever and stay off MS propaganda?

  6. Let’s plan a hunting trip with Liz and her father. Not doubt he will mistake her for a hippopotamus stomping through the brush and put a .30-06 through her blubber.

  7. Criminal Parading!?!?… That sounds like something I’d expect to see transgender Rachel Levine, and fart knockers Barack Obama & husband Big Mike along with Pete Buttigieg prancing behind a team of painted pink Ostridge’s during a National Gay Day parade.

  8. The nihilists are using the “law” as a political cudgel.
    The “law” as a tool of oppression.
    We can no longer look to the “law” for any semblance of “justice” (neither a shadow nor a patina).
    We’ve seen it (more blatantly displayed) since Obola’s first term.
    There are few “judges” (politically-connected shysters) remaining who honor the law or their oaths of office or the Constitution they have sworn to uphold.

    It’s possible in America to indict a ham sammich, if there’s some political expedient in doing so.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Cheney must be living under a rock. No one was able to take Trump down, not Stormy Daniels, Hillary, Obama, NYC, Russiagate, Impeachment, he survived it all. Only way to stop Trump is to kill him. I hope he has good body guards at all times. Liz is getting her come uppins.

  10. This fat scank whore bitch has a cushy job over at MSNBC waiting for her when she is brutalized in midterm elections, she will have pisskaky to swap spit with and make her feel better when she gets there.


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