NYC Council Members Call on Mayor Adams to Rehire Workers Fired Over Vax Mandate – IOTW Report

NYC Council Members Call on Mayor Adams to Rehire Workers Fired Over Vax Mandate

National File-

The City Council of New York is putting pressure on mayor Eric Adams to rehire over 1,400 city workers who were fired over NYC’s vaccine mandate policies. Council Minority Leader Joseph Borelli will be introducing a nonbinding resolution at Thursday’s meeting calling on Adams to rehire workers fired in February.

The resolution, which has garnered bipartisan backing from at least seven other New York City Council members, also demands private businesses rehire employees who were fired for opting not to get vaccinated. more here

12 Comments on NYC Council Members Call on Mayor Adams to Rehire Workers Fired Over Vax Mandate

  1. You can’t be serious. To rehire the people wrongly terminated would require the ancephalics, oops, democrats, to admit they were wrong. And we all know they are NEVER wrong, because they told us they aren’t.

  2. PS
    “also demands private businesses rehire employees who were fired for opting not to get vaccinated..”

    rotfl! “demands private businesses”??? These politician yutzes must’ve been born in a cookoo’s nest on a stunad tree

    Including the businesses that are closed permanently??

  3. After WWII, many people who had Nazi connections were kept in government jobs and positions in Germany. Was it because the Allies wanted Nazis in those positions?

    No, it was because those people were the people who knew how to do those jobs.

    Not to compare Nazis to people who did not get the jab (if anything, it is the people who require people to get the jab who are the Nazis), but the elite are beginning to realize that for things to get done they need the people who know how to do them.

  4. In every country that turned majority muslim, the capable people (let’s call them ‘infidels’) that carried society on their backs vacated. What was left was an illiterate, unmotivated hapless bunch of disatisfied thugs.
    Every country.

  5. Well that’s real funny coming from the law-making body of the NY City Council members who were also responsible for and helped to engineer all false and adulterated covid-related issues from two years ago to present, and likely future. The ultra-hypocrites are very worried over losing their high-paid positions via upcoming election cycle.

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