Biden attempts to control everything [except his own bowels] – IOTW Report

Biden attempts to control everything [except his own bowels]

Stephen Moore
Biden Wants to Regulate Everything — Even Your Air Conditioning

Once upon a time, the mantra of the libertarian Left was “keep the government out of the bedroom.”

President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi want to regulate any gadget or appliance with an electric switch that turns on in your house or your driveway. New Department of Energy rules will dictate the amount of water that comes out of your showerhead, how much warm air comes out of your heater and how much cool air comes out of air conditioners. There is even talk about gadgets monitoring your home’s temperature in the winter and summer months.

How is any of this the government’s business?

The latest shower regulations are especially aggravating. The new water-efficient heads make you stand in the shower much longer to get wet and wash your hair because the water pressure is low. It’s a drip, drip, drip policy.

This is all reminiscent of the low-flush toilets mandated during the Bush and Obama years. These were designed to save water, but there was so little water flow that you had to flush two or three times. So it ended up not saving water at all. read more

8 Comments on Biden attempts to control everything [except his own bowels]

  1. “Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “Mayor Pete” hates any car with a combustible engine.”

    …I don’t particularly want MY engine to be combustible either.

    I don’t want to burn the ENGINE, just what’s IN it!

  2. What ever happened to Land of the Free?

    The Federal government does not have the authority to regulate every aspect of our lives through Executive Departments and Bureaus.

    The best government is that which governs least. Old words that still ring true. Everything our government gets its hands on turns to crap.


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