Criminals Beware! Citizens Are Fighting Back! – IOTW Report

Criminals Beware! Citizens Are Fighting Back!

Oregon Catalyst: Had enough? People begin to fight back against crime.
Last week a few similar news items made the headlines involving citizens fighting back.

In Portland,  salon owner Mahriah Zimmerman, got involved with an counter involving a man trying to rape a woman just outside her business.  She maced him, chased him and detained him.  Her powerful story was featured on Facebook.

Also, last week, this video went viral of a man trying to stop a blatant thief stealing from a Target in California. more

14 Comments on Criminals Beware! Citizens Are Fighting Back!

  1. I’m told by a friend who’s relocating out of NYC that the Asian people being attacked are now arming themselves with very painful weaponry of all types against attackers: firearms, knives, bats, self-defense spray, all sorts of ‘pointy things’, homemade shanks, and whatever else can be used for defending themselves and families including using some tactical devices.

  2. “Vigilante justice is coming.”

    “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance …”
    (dead white dude)

    We, the People of the United States … establish Justice … (blah blah blah) do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    Where the gov’t fails, the people must intervene – it is their obligation.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @ Cynic APRIL 14, 2022 AT 2:40 AM

    Legitimate monopoly on dispensing justice demands, at the bare minimum, government make a good faith effort. This is not vigilantism.

  4. I was watching a school board meeting in my state. The cops escorted a man out and now they’re labeling him as an extremist.

    I watched how cops even in this state acted during OKC and Tulsa lock downs and bullshit by leftist politicians. They sure as hell weren’t on the citizens’ side and they’re never on the parents’ side at school board meetings.

    I’ve watched them in liberal states and they always take the side of government, with few exceptions.

    So my point is cops and government are leaving citizens with no choice, we will have to become the police if we want any peace.

    I have said for several years now that social media has made it easy to know who the enemies are in your neck of the woods when the shooting starts.

    BTW here is the extremist. Sorry it’s on you tube.


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