Cocaine Mitch: Trump Supporters Could ‘Screw Up’ Midterms by Nominating America Firsters – IOTW Report

Cocaine Mitch: Trump Supporters Could ‘Screw Up’ Midterms by Nominating America Firsters

Valiant News

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that Trump supporters could “screw up” the midterms for GOP by daring to nominate America First candidates.

Speaking at an event held by the Kentucky Chamber on Tuesday, McConnell discussed that the 2022 midterms “from an atomspheric point of view” should surely be a “perfect storm of problems” for the Democrats, given that they control the House, the Senate, and the presidency.

It therefore seems unlikely that Republicans would be able to “screw up” such an easy electoral target, McConnell noted, but that it was still “actually possible” to do so. more here

29 Comments on Cocaine Mitch: Trump Supporters Could ‘Screw Up’ Midterms by Nominating America Firsters

  1. Hey Mitch! Show me where there is more enthusiasm and genuine support than at a Trump rally!
    McConnell feels threatened by American Firsters and would much rather see wishy-washy, mouldable RINOs who will gladly go-along to get along… and the people have HAD IT with that shit!
    We want Pols who will stand up for America and the American people and fight these dirty democRATz!!

  2. I’m right there thinking republicans are going to do a lot of democrat damage this midterm, BUT I’ve always got a little devil on my shoulder, sittin there saying, “What democrats don’t cheat to win, republicans will make sure democrats win.”

    Now you’ve got republicans out planting seeds tapering expectations and Trump himself pushing Biden talking points “Ukraine is genocide,” eh?

    I’m just sayin. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Republicans are, as always, on top of their game to bring the worst.

    Not to leave on a sour note. The current nightmare will end in a ball of flames. Just a matter of when, and how. I still hope and believe it will start this November.

  3. Mitch McCONnell, the appeaser, has purposely defeated GOP conservative candidates in the primaries of several states. McCONnell’s efforts were to ensure the GOP candidate in the general election was either a RINO, loser or both.
    His motives were not in the interest of the GOP or Nation, it was about his personal control as leader of the Senate and control of the multi-Million dollar Senate campaign committee’s funds to continue to beat Conservative at the election box.

  4. Protector and gatekeeper of the uniparty Mitch fears true patriots being elected. It would only take about 20 in the house and 5 in the senate to derail the McCarthy/McConnell do nothing but fund raise for a few years with empty promises of next time we’ll do something.

  5. Yeah? Well just how well did your favorites Perdue, Loeffler, and McSally do last time around? Not to mention protecting MurCOWski and Collins at every turn.

    YOU’RE the reason the Dims are in the majority. Scumbag

  6. It’s very evident “Turtle” Mitch is overwhelmed and intimated by America First canadates who reject his globalist RINO crap. He’s in for a rude awakening when the Demwit and RINO canidatess he supports are primaried by several Trump supposed candidates.

  7. Another “above the fray” know-it-all . His speculations aren’t truths. Arrogant career political “coaster” . Old school asshole who dances only with those who brought him to the dance . The power of office must be intoxicating , geezers never want to give it up .

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