President Potato Claims to Have Been a ‘Full Professor’ at The University of Pennsylvania – IOTW Report

President Potato Claims to Have Been a ‘Full Professor’ at The University of Pennsylvania

He wasn’t.
Biden was paid close to $1 million by the university, but never taught a class.

National File: U.S. President Joe Biden claimed he was a “full professor” at the University of Pennsylvania for several years during a speech on Thursday. Though Biden was paid over $700,000 to give speeches at UPenn, he never taught any classes.

“I’ve been on a lot of university campuses,” Biden said while speaking at North Carolina AT&T State University. “Matter of fact, for four years I was a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania,” the president added. more here

22 Comments on President Potato Claims to Have Been a ‘Full Professor’ at The University of Pennsylvania

  1. He does have a PhD in Advanced Bullshitting.

    I also believe he stated his hag wife would be “teaching” while he was acting as President. Does geriatric care fall under teaching?

  2. Democrats use words to serve their purposes at the moment.

    They never actually mean anything.

    For a fuller explanation, cf. Clinton viz. It Depends On What The Meaning Of The Word “Is” is”.

  3. Why doesn’t someone play along and ask what courses he taught; did he have a favorite student he sniffed; did he finger any TAs in his office?

    Did you have “Lia” as a student?

  4. What is worse, him claiming he was a professor (or a truck driver, or whatever depending on where he is) or him shaking hands with an invisible being and wandering aimlessly lost after all these events.

  5. So, do they call him President Potato because of the contents of his head or because he puts the potato in the back of his pants instead of the front of his pants?

  6. Stupid ass, shaking hands with the air, staring blankly at the flag backdrop until somebody tells him “Hey over this way moron, then off he shuffles with his stupid shit eating grin plastered to his skeletal head.

    What a garbage human being. Just go meet Lucifer already you evil demented child groping bastard. I only hope he kicks it before he trigger Vald into nuking us.

  7. Sure, Fake President Pudding Pops thinks he remembers being a “professor” decades ago. Ask him what day it is today and you’ll get the classic dementia behavior on display – he doesn’t know.

  8. Joe Biden is nothing more than a career and chronic liar in a laughable effort to give himself airs. From start to the day he finally keels over, he will always be the THE KNOWN CAREER LIAR JOE BIDEN. Such a person can never be trusted nor believed on anything he does or says.


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