Good grief, they even lied about the “biting incident” – IOTW Report

Good grief, they even lied about the “biting incident”

Patriot Retort:

Remember back in March 2021 when it was reported that there had been a “biting incident” involving the Biden’s dog Major and a secret service agent?

Well, this White House that lies about everything (“Putin’s Price Hike”) even lied about how many times Major bit secret service agents before he was finally sent away.

Shortly before Christmas last year, Jill Biden’s press secretary Michael LaRosa announced that Major had been sent to live with “family friends” and the Bidens were adopting a new German shepherd puppy to replace him.

(Is “he went to live with family friends” a White House euphemism for “we put the damn dog down because he became an optics problem?”)

And virtually every news report from the time noted that Major bit two people in March, a secret service agent and a National Parks Service employee because that’s what the White House told the press.

But that was a lie.

First of all, the March 8, 2021 “biting incident” wasn’t the first as the White House claimed. more here

18 Comments on Good grief, they even lied about the “biting incident”

  1. We know how Biden treated his daughter via her diary so I can only imagine how he treats his dogs. There was a clip of him appearing to kick his new puppy when he couldn’t handle it. I don’t think you see that dog much anymore publicly.

  2. I think we are all familiar with families that own dogs that habitually bite people. If there has been one in my life that hasn’t been absolute low bred trash in my life it is a well kept secret. The biting dog(s) represent just one element in their otherwise consistently sociopathological lives.

  3. Just like a child picks up habits from their parents, dogs are an extension of their owners so it makes sense bidens dog would go around biting people. If biden could he’d take a big chomp out of America, being the blithering, toe sucking idiot that he is.

  4. Remember the outrage of the American people over LBJ picking up his basset hound by the ears. Why isn’t there the same outrage and disgust over joey and his dogs? You can really tell a person’s character both good and bad by how they treat their animals. And their kids as well, joey has been a prick to his kids as well as his animals

  5. I’d take him. The value of a dog is incalculable. I might get a few nips, but making a dog a friend doesn’t take long; a few days tops. Loyal and well-trained? Maybe a month. And I have 5 cats in the house.

  6. Alternate response:

    I’d take him, the value of a US President could be a lot. I might get just a few bites, but making a profit wouldn’t take long; a few days tops. Loyal and well-trained? Who cares!

    And I have 5 cats in the house.

  7. Awwwww … the SS guy got bit … cry me a river.
    The guy’s protecting a traitorous, usurping, pedophile for money!
    Fuck him if he got bit!
    When he gets to Hell he’ll wish the bite was the worst of it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I can guarantee you that my 10 year old male yellow tabby Finn would not like joey at all. He’s my daughters cat and tolerates me somewhat because I live in the same house that he does and doesn’t like strangers and especially little kids like my grandkids.

  9. If they ain’t lying, they’re playing games

    If they aren’t playing games….they’re lying

    Politics is as exciting as the sludge at the bottom of the septic tank with everyone waiting for when the Shit Hits The Fan.


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