Is the Fauci-Mengele comparison out of bounds? – IOTW Report

Is the Fauci-Mengele comparison out of bounds?

American Thinker:
By Lloyd Billingsley

Fox News has parted company with Lara Logan, the journalist contends, for relaying viewers’ comments that Dr. Anthony Fauci does not represent science, as the Biden adviser has claimed, and instead represents Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.  Logan, formerly with CBS News, had in mind the fallout from COVID, but a different context might be more appropriate. 

Josef Mengele earned a medical degree in 1938, the same year he joined the Nazi’s Waffen SS, where he volunteered for medical service.  At Nazi concentration camps, Mengele would decide which arrivals would live or die.  

At Auschwitz, Mengele conducted agonizing and lethal experiments on Jewish and Gypsy twins, most of them children.  In his review of The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., economist Thomas DiLorenzo calls out Fauci’s “Dr. Mengele–style ‘experiments,'” which also took place on unwilling subjects. 

Fauci’s National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) provided funding for the Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) in New York as an outpatient clinic for HIV-positive children.  The city’s Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) offered up children under its care, nearly all of them African-American or Hispanic, for secretive drug experimentation.  The BBC told the story in the 2004 documentary Guinea Pig Kids.

As biochemist Dr. David Rasnick explained, children as young as three months were given “cocktails” of drugs with dangerous side-effects.  Rasnick described Didanosene as “very dangerous” and Nevirapene as “dangerous and debilitating … horrible and painful and also lethal.”  The children were also given Zidovudine, another name for AZT (azidothymidine), a DNA chain terminator that cures and prevents nothing.  read more

18 Comments on Is the Fauci-Mengele comparison out of bounds?

  1. The NIH is the dept. of Biological Warfare. Bio Weapons are what they do.

    The CDC is the dept. of Psychological Warfare. Keeping people in fear keeps them controllable.

    The FDA is the dept. of Protection. Nice product you’ve got there, be a shame if it never makes it to market.

  2. No.
    Matter of fact, it isn’t.
    If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has webbed feet, and a bill – chances are pretty good it’s a duck.

    Fauxi is doing diabolical experiments on a captured population – same as Mengele.

    If there’s any unfairness to the comparison, it is that Mengele killed far fewer than Fauxi, and that Mengele was a fairly low-level cog in the killing machine, whereas Fauxi is THE cog.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hey! I’ve been killing people I consider inferior with medical experiments for FOUR DECADES! Mengele only did it for a few years, he’s NOTHING like me!

    Quit talking him up! Trying to impress Hillary over here!

  4. From the AT story: Anthony Fauci earned a medical degree in 1966, and in 1968, he went to work for the National Institutes of Health. If Fauci ever practiced medicine, it was only for a short time. Fauci’s bio shows no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry, yet in 1984, he became head of NIAID.

    Appointed to the position for some other reason than medical experience. Sum ting Wong, here.

  5. Mengele and Goebbels were pikers. They limited themselves to specific races, traits, and orientations. Fauci, the modern media, and big tech did their experiments and mind control on most of the world.

  6. Dr. Fauci= inhuman medical experiments on and murdered orphans
    DR. Mengele = inhuman medical experiments upon victims

    Both cut from the same hideous cloth.

  7. A better comparison would be Fauci & Trofim Lysenko. Lysenko’s assertion that all science is class-oriented in nature, leading to the deaths of upwards of 5+ million people in Soviet Russia back in the early 1930’s.

  8. Will Fauci be tortured, before “confessing”, before being killed, for Crimes Against “Humanity”(TM)?

    Or will he retire? To a United Nations’ anointed “jurisdiction”? Whom the torture porn producers (profession, not description) do not have an “extradition treaty” with?

    … Oh you bothered responding? Well! Aren’t YOU special!?

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